Son 27 Años, Hija Mia/ It's 27 Years, My Daughter (Esp/ Eng)

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El 12 de Septiembre de 1.994, nació mi hija mayor. Era una hermosa bebé blanquita de hermosos ojos azules achinados y completamente pelona. Todo el mundo tenia que ver con ella, llamaba mucho la atención, incluso cuando salíamos a los lugares muchos no pensaban que era mi hija, por que yo soy morena y ella blanquita.

On September 12, 1994, my oldest daughter was born. She was a beautiful white baby with beautiful blue slanted eyes and completely hairless. Everyone had to see her, she attracted a lot of attention, even when we went out to places many did not think she was my daughter, because I am brown and she was white.

Me pasaba mucho. En eso salió a su papá al físico y porte, pero en personalidad a mi. Me parece tan increíble que tan pronto hayan pasado 27 años, se dice fácil pero para llegar hasta donde llegamos han pasado muchas cosas buenas y malas pero aquí estamos felices de seguir hacia adelante.

It happened to me a lot. In that she took after her father in looks and demeanor, but in personality she took after me. It seems so incredible to me that so soon 27 years have passed, it is easy to say but to get to where we are now, many good and bad things have happened but here we are happy to move forward.


El día comenzó con mucho entusiasmo con todos los preparativos para la pequeña reunión que le teníamos programada, con los mas cercanos por el motivo del Covid, estuvo lleno de adornos, dulces y bebidas que todos disfrutamos, dando gracias a Dios por poder compartir, estar sanos y contentos.

The day began with much enthusiasm with all the preparations for the small meeting that we had scheduled, with the closest ones for the reason of Covid, it was full of decorations, sweets and drinks that we all enjoyed, thanking God for being able to share, be healthy and happy.

Vinieron pocos amigos y solo la estricta familia pero hicimos ruido como si fuésemos un batallón, la tarde transcendió amena y tranquila, entre cuentos y anécdotas, nos acordamos de muchas cosas, son 27 años una vida entera.

Few friends came and only the strict family but we made noise as if we were a battalion, the afternoon was pleasant and quiet, between stories and anecdotes, we remembered many things, 27 years are a lifetime.


Mis 3 Amores/ My 3 Loves

Le doy gracias a Dios por la vida, por permitirme estar y seguir con mi familia, por la salud y la bendición de este día. Quería compartir con todos ustedes este día tan especial, espero les agrade.

I thank God for life, for allowing me to be with my family, for my health and for the blessing of this day. I wanted to share with all of you this special day, I hope you like it.


Traducción por Deepl/ Translation by Deepl

Fotos tomadas de mi Álbum Familiar/ Photos taken from my Family Album

Banner diseñado por mi en Canva/ Banner designed by me in Canva

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