Helping my son to practice writing - Making ready for the forthcoming academic year

It's been two months since I decided to take away my son's gadget.

I purchased writing materials specifically for his use to encourage him to write more. I obtained a reusable writing utensil that can be used repeatedly due to its erasable nature. The ink supply was completely depleted within twenty-four hours of acquiring the marker, rendering it a useless writing tool. In an attempt to save money by purchasing an erasable writing book, I discovered that the marker required a substantial amount of ink, thus defeating the purpose of cost-effectiveness.

To save money and reduce waste, I printed activity sheets on leftover bond paper from my workplace instead of continuously purchasing markers and activity books.

For his coloring enjoyment, I printed out a few coloring sheets.

Additionally, I made printouts of tracing numbers and letters.

To facilitate his understanding of how to write his name, I went so far as to print out a tracing of it.

To provide a comfortable writing environment, I bought him a table and a chair, giving him his dedicated area for writing and other activities.

I am satisfied with the table I purchased due to its convenient compartment, which allows my child to neatly store his writing materials.

Through daily tracing letter activities, I have observed a marked improvement in his writing skills. Previously, he struggled to hold a pencil correctly, but now his grip has improved significantly.

He now traces letters much more quickly than before. I observed that was very committed to doing it correctly.

Initially, I faced challenges in fostering his enjoyment of writing or coloring. To encourage active participation, I implemented a reward system, acknowledging his efforts after completing writing tasks or engaging in activities.

In preparation for the upcoming school year, I want to ensure that my son is well- prepared particularly in writing. Although he has a solid foundation in recognizing the alphabet, numbers, animals, and shapes, I believe he would benefit from additional practice in writing.

By the way, I recently purchased a piggy bank for my son. I aim to instill in him the habit of saving, which I believe is a crucial life skill.

Wee, that brings us to the end of my motherhood blog for today. I sincerely hope that reading my article has been a valuable experience for you. Your time and engagement are appreciated, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude.

All photos used in this article are copyrighted by me ©, unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission. Published: 04/17/2024 2:44 pm (GMT)

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