The Journey: Motherhood.


In life, there are somethings we need to get right because when we fail woefully at them, It creates trauma to the receiver, which isn't cool.

Parenting can be fun, yet exhausting that you'd wish to go on a long month vacation but, it is so beautiful that you can hardly stay a minute without your mind running back home to your kids.

Being a good person in life gives us an added point when it comes to parenting. Showing, love, and care to people that surround us at all times matters even with the use of disciplinary methods.

And since this month is dedicated to love for Dreemsteem little star angel who is to be married this month and per the month's challenge, I have brought in the love I have experienced from a mother to her child(ren) to start the week challenge and share my first post in the #motherhood community.

Motherhood is an interesting journey, especially when you experience it from a woman with so much flavour. As I present my aunt's love journey with her children, I would love us to congratulate her on another added blessing to the family. She has another baby girl. Hehe, she's truly beating her husband in gender reproduction, lol.


When I first met her some years back, her attitude was what let me stay because I did not like inconveniencing people. I needed a closer place to my new work, and her place happened to be the closest. At first, I didn't want to go but when the stress of leaving where I stayed to work everyday became unbearable, I had to suck in my little dislike for privacy invasion and went to her place.

I remembered the night I got to her place. She happily welcomed me in with a sumptuous meal and I could read from her expression that she was happy to have me stay and, that night, I decided to give it a try and I am glad I did.

The decision I made to begin another life chapter with her and her family opened my eyes to the true love embedded in motherhood.

When I first came in, her daughter, though curious, didn't want to say hello to a stranger, and it was just lovely to see how calmly she spoke to her daughter about me. I mean, it was also the first time we were meeting.

She respected me and didn't shout at her daughter to greet me. Instead, she allowed her to reevaluate her surroundings and try to accept the change in it. Her daughter was then 2 years old when we started staying together.

Day by day, I watched the love between her and her child. Days her daughter will wake up at midnight with a cry, and how she will pamper her with a sleepy eye and wake up the next day with a great smile to start her day with her daughter.

She's the kind of mother that would rather buy her child the most expensive thing in the world than buy it for herself.

I have seen the sacrifices she made for her child, and it is undoubtedly lovely to see. When the second child came in during Covid, she never stopped loving her children to the very core. She taught the first one rightly, and this paved the way for the second child.


She takes them out on dates with a proud smile on her face, and she discipline them with love.

She never for once let her work schedule mess up with family time. She is a proud nurse who always puts her children first. Make them homemade meals, take them to school, and make sure they are always presentable to face the world.

And I have to admit that I learned a lot from her with just some months of staying with her and her family. Her actions toward her family have given me this belief that I can get motherhood rightly. Her experiences in life have taught me so much and handed over the motherhood manual to me.

She respects her children, listens to them, and spends time with them, and they reciprocate that love to her too. She is the definition of motherhood and parenthood with the overall presence of her darling husband as they pass on love, kindness, and so much positivity in life to loved one's and strangers too.

Images Used Are Mine.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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