De la Paternidad Reproductiva a la Paternidad Afectiva / From Reproductive Parenthood to Affective Parenthood [ESP-ENG]



Hola linda comunidad de Motherhood

Espero se encuentren bien! el día de hoy quiero hablarles de un tema tan importante como lo es la paternidad, empezaremos por definir su significado.

Según wikipedia La paternidad viene (del latín paternĭtas, -ātis) hace referencia a la cualidad de padre o progenitor masculino o macho.

Hablemos de la Paternidad Reproductiva recuerdo que anteriormente existía una creencia donde el padre era el encargado de trabajar para llevar los alimentos al hogar, era el que tomaba las decisiones, el mas "fuerte" ausente de emociones, se cumplía lo que la sociedad exigía, de esta manera existía una gran diferencia de padre a madre, incluso se decía que las madres eran ideal para encargarse de la absoluta crianza ya que poseen instintos maternales.


Hello beautiful Motherhood community

I hope you are well! today I want to talk to you about such an important topic as parenthood, let's start by defining its meaning.

According to wikipedia Paternity comes (from the Latin paternĭtas, -ātis) refers to the quality of father or male parent or male progenitor.

Let's talk about Reproductive Paternity I remember that previously there was a belief where the father was the one in charge of working to bring food to the home, was the one who made the decisions, the "strongest" absent of emotions, it was fulfilled what society demanded, in this way there was a great difference from father to mother, it was even said that mothers were ideal to take care of the absolute upbringing since they possess maternal instincts.



El patriarcado es sin duda lo que marcaba la diferencia en la sociedad, eran padres que "mandaban" "ordenaban" "la autoridad de la casa" "el que daba el apellido", fui criada por mis abuelos, recuerdo que mi abuela se encargaba de las labores de la casa, aceleraba su paso para ser puntual con el almuerzo, a las doce del mediodía llegaba mi abuelo del trabajo, a sentarse en aquel comedor elegante, y ya con todo servido incluyendo una jarra de agua, si eso no pasaba no cumplía con la expectativas, incumplía con las reglas socio-cultural, si mi abuela no tenia a la hora el almuerzo era una discusión segura. Desde allí viene la manera de ver a mi abuelo como una persona de carácter fuerte, incluso tenia miedo de pedir permiso para alguna salida, a pesar de que nunca recibí golpes ni castigos, con solo verlo con tanta autoridad me daba temor.

Diseño sin título.png

Hoy en día no basta con que el hombre traiga el dinero a casa o mantenga a la familia, sino que ahora tocamos la parte afectiva, donde el padre asume un nuevo rol, donde el hombre disfruta de cada etapa de su hijo, incluso existe una comunicación desde el vientre, dándole seguridad, amor, permitiendo que el bebe tenga reconocimiento de la voz de su padre, en mi embarazo viví una etapa aproximadamente a los 7 meses de embarazo donde a la hora de dormir abrazaba a mi esposo y sentíamos como se movía el bebé dentro del vientre, era como un empujón, como diciendo "estoy feliz de sentir tan cerquita a mi padre". Puedo decir que la paternidad afectiva es tan importante para el desarrollo de los hijos, el arrullar, la muestra de cariño, la comprensión, la aceptación es tan importante, les da seguridad, aumenta su autoestima y se forman valores.

The patriarchy is undoubtedly what made the difference in society, were parents who "commanded" "ordered" "the authority of the house" "the one who gave the last name", I was raised by my grandparents, I remember that my grandmother was in charge of the housework, she would speed up her pace to be punctual with lunch, at twelve noon my grandfather would arrive from work, to sit in that elegant dining room, and already with everything served including a pitcher of water, if that did not happen it did not meet the expectations, it did not comply with the socio-cultural rules, if my grandmother did not have lunch on time it was a sure argument. From there comes the way of seeing my grandfather as a person with a strong character, I was even afraid to ask permission for an outing, even though I never received beatings or punishments, just seeing him with such authority made me fearful.

Diseño sin título.png

Nowadays, it is not enough for the man to bring home the money or support the family, but now we touch the affective part, where the father assumes a new role, where the man enjoys each stage of his child, there is even a communication from the womb, giving him security, love, allowing the baby to have recognition of the family and the family, In my pregnancy I lived a stage approximately at 7 months of pregnancy where at bedtime I hugged my husband and we felt how the baby moved inside the womb, it was like a push, as if saying "I am happy to feel my father so close". I can say that affectionate fatherhood is so important for the development of children, cooing, showing affection, understanding, acceptance is so important, it gives them security, increases their self-esteem and values are formed.

Foto donde coloque palabras en la barriga para animar a mi esposo en mi semana 20 de embarazo / Photo where I put words on my belly to encourage my husband in my 20th week of pregnancy.

Debo decirle que tanto la maternidad como la paternidad fue muy difícil para nosotros pues, como padres primerizos, no sabíamos absolutamente nada sobre crianza, los primeros días tuvimos el apoyo de mi suegro, déjenme decirles que fue una persona que asumía el rol de patriarcado, incluso sus hermanas lo atendían como un rey, porque desde su niñez les enseñaron "Los hombres son de la calle y las mujeres de la casa" el mismo concepto lo tenia mi abuela, pero en esta oportunidad y a medida que la sociedad se ha encargado de mantener la igualdad de genero, su visión es otra.
I must tell you that both motherhood and fatherhood was very difficult for us because, as first time parents, we knew absolutely nothing about parenting, the early days we had the support of my father-in-law, let me tell you that he was a person who assumed the role of patriarchy, even his sisters attended him like a king, because since their childhood they were taught "Men are from the street and women from the house" the same concept my grandmother had, but this time and as society has been in charge of maintaining gender equality, her vision is different.


Vivimos experiencias difíciles, justo estábamos en la época de mucha escases de productos, nos tocó hacer muchas colas, que al llegar a la caja para pagar, no sabíamos si contaríamos con los pañales o alimentos, económicamente nos estábamos muy bien, nos toco criar a nuestra hija, a alimentarla, aprender a bañarla, a colocarle sus medicinas, mi esposo a pesar que trabajaba muy duro para conseguir el sustento familiar siempre tenia tiempo para atender a nuestra amada hija, incluso como mi parto fue por cesárea me costaba levantarme, debo agradecerle mucho, es un padre ejemplar, en el día me encargaba yo pero en la noche el se encargaba de atenderla, de alimentarla y dormirla mientras yo descansaba. Actualmente mi hija tiene 4 años es una niña de bonitos sentimientos, muy dulce, atenta y a pesar de ser hija única, le encanta compartir, he aquí los valores que le estamos inculcando, le gusta mucho que estemos juntos, somos su modelo a seguir.
We lived difficult experiences, we were just in the time of great shortage of products, we had to stand in many lines, when we got to the cashier to pay, we did not know if we would have the diapers or food, economically we were very well, we had to raise our daughter, to feed her, to learn to bathe her, to put her medicines, My husband even though he worked very hard to provide for the family, he always had time to take care of our beloved daughter, even though my delivery was by cesarean section it was hard for me to get up, I have to thank him a lot, he is an exemplary father, during the day I was in charge but at night he was in charge of taking care of her, feeding her and putting her to sleep while I rested. Currently my daughter is 4 years old, she is a girl with beautiful feelings, very sweet, attentive and despite being an only child, she loves to share, here are the values that we are instilling in her, she loves that we are together, we are her role model.


Todo indica que los hombres están cambiando la paternidad patriarcal por la paternidad afectiva y responsable. es lo que a veces digo si algo no les parece bien puedes "cortar ese estilo de vida", claro esta hacerlo pensando en lo positivo que puede ser sin afectar a otros, la familia es la que formamos, constituido principalmente por padres e hijos, la importancia de un padre cercano, el rol del padre va aunando al de la madre, donde la decisión no es de uno si no de dos, el padre puede tener una autoridad sana, ayudando al hijo a regular emociones, también dar la oportunidad de que la madre descanse, de hacer otras cosas, comprender y entenderse mutuamente. Importante la comunicación de padre a hijo, generar confianza, construir ese amor a los hijos.
Everything indicates that men are changing patriarchal paternity for affective and responsible paternity. is what I sometimes say if something does not seem right you can "cut that lifestyle", of course do it thinking about how positive it can be without affecting others, the family is what we form, consisting mainly of parents and children, the importance of a close father, the role of the father is joining the role of the mother, where the decision is not of one but of two, the father can have a healthy authority, helping the child to regulate emotions, also give the opportunity for the mother to rest, to do other things, understand and understand each other. It is important to communicate from father to son, to generate trust, to build that love for the children.


Que hacer para logra una Paternidad Afectiva y Participativa

1- Involucrarse en su cuidado, acurrucar, atender, alimentar, tener esa conexión entre padre e hijo.

2- Se sensible a sus necesidades, saber identificar que necesita, conocer sus emociones, porque llora será hambre, será sueño, que le gusta o disgusta.

3- Demuestra tu afecto, hablarle, acurrucarlo, observarlo, acariciarlo.

4- Impulsalo a explorar su mundo, a conocer sus habilidades y destrezas, tu compañía le permite tener seguridad.

5- Crea momento especiales e inolvidables, enseñarle el cuidado de los animales y su naturaleza, correr, brincar. Por ejemplo en mi casa se habla mucho del cuidado de las plantas, mi hija acompaña a su papá a sembrar semillas y regar las plantas.

What to do to achieve an Affective and Participative Parenting

1- Involve yourself in their care, cuddle, attend, feed, have that connection between parent and child.

2- Be sensitive to their needs, know how to identify what they need, know their emotions, why they cry, why they are hungry, why they are sleepy, what they like or dislike.

3- Show your affection, talk to him, cuddle him, watch him, caress him.

4- Impel him to explore his world, to know his abilities and skills, your company allows him to have security.

5- Create special and unforgettable moments, teach him to take care of animals and their nature, run, jump. For example, in my house we talk a lot about plant care, my daughter accompanies her dad to plant seeds and water the plants.


En conclusión se esta construyendo un nuevo rol para los padres, dejamos aquellas idea de la paternidad reproductiva, ya no se habla de un apellido, autoridad, fecundación o la manera de sostener económicamente a la familia, ahora el padre actual nutre de amor, mejora su convivencia, existe un acuerdo entre pareja, sabe escuchar, hace seguimiento educacional, que ciertamente es beneficioso para el crecimiento emocional, personal, generando confianza y seguridad.
In conclusion, we are building a new role for fathers, we are leaving behind the idea of reproductive paternity, we are no longer talking about a surname, authority, fertilization or the way to economically support the family, now the current father nurtures love, improves their coexistence, there is an agreement between the couple, knows how to listen, makes educational follow-up, which is certainly beneficial for emotional and personal growth, generating confidence and security.


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