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Empezamos la escuela [Spa/Eng]

El lunes mi niña mayor empezó el preescolar , ella mas que feliz con su inicio de curso y de conocer a muchos niños nuevos y yo llorando a mares por que sentí que dejaba de ser esa bebe pequeña e indefensa y se convirtió en una niña grande que comienza a enfrenta el mundo

Today my older girl started preschool, she was more than happy to start school and to meet many new children and I was crying my eyes out because I felt that she was no longer that small and helpless baby and became a big girl who is starting to face the world.

Al principio se asusto un poquito por que muchos niños a su alrededor comenzaron a llorar y abrazar a su mama pero le explique que eso era normal que son niñitos que no se han separado nunca de los papas y que se sienten raros en este ambiente nuevo pero que con el paso del día se van a a sentir mas confiados

At first he was a little scared because many children around him started to cry and hug their mother but I explained to him that this was normal because they are little children who have never been separated from their parents and that they feel strange in this new environment but that as the day goes by they will feel more confident.

Han pasado ya tres dias desde que empezo y me gusta mucho ver como se despierta con ganas de estar en su escuela y cuando llega me cuenta que ayudo a su maestra a repartir los utiles y aprendio canciones y cuentos nuevos

It has been three days since he started and I love to see how he wakes up eager to be in his school and when he arrives he tells me that he helped his teacher to distribute the supplies and learned new songs and stories.

Tengo muchos sentimientos encontrados como mama por que se que tengo que dejar que crezca y que salga al mundo pero al mismo tiempo no quiero que crezca quiero que siga siendo mi bebe, pero estoy orgullosa de la niña independiente que estoy criando que no llora para entrar a la escuela y que se que se vale por ella misma dentro de esta. me pone feliz cuando llega a la casa y se sienta a contarme su día y la veo feliz

I have a lot of mixed feelings as a mom because I know I have to let her grow up and go out into the world but at the same time I don't want her to grow up I want her to continue being my baby, but I am proud of the independent girl I am raising who doesn't cry to go to school and I know she can stand on her own two feet in school. it makes me happy when she comes home and sits down to tell me about her day and I see her happy.

Se que su vida escolar comienza ahora y aun le falta muchisimo por transitar pero estoy orgullosa de estos primeros pasos de ella y de poder estar presente para ayudarla a darlos cada dia

I know that her school life is just beginning and she still has a long way to go but I am proud of her first steps and that I can be present to help her take them every day.