Sonja's discovery, or "Balcony as a unique cultural phenomenon". Kyiv mini-sculptures, part #11

This time it was neither boring nor add. Even without a story, this tiny balcony looks adorable. While Sonja was climbing the roof I googled its sponsor. It's a company that sells ceramic tiles and sanitary ware, so it isn't an obvious advert and a funny idea. I think I can spend here a lot of time staring at the cat hunting the sparrow, the face of the man and exploring with my eyes every detail at the back.

Kyiv balcony


Rub me and things will be in order

So, I'll tell you about balconies of the times of "developed" socialism.

After the Second World War, a lot of social housing was built. It was cheap and of poor quality. And in these small apartments often lived several generations, several families. When I was a schoolgirl, we also lived in a small apartment with two rooms: me, my younger brother, mom, dad and grandma.

Where in such a small area could all our belongings be placed? Oh, we were lucky, because we had a basement and a balcony. It was cool in the basement, so there were canned food and empty jars, fresh vegetables in the winter, and what was rarely needed.


But not every family had such basements. So those who had a balcony used it for 150 or even 200 percent.

Scene # 1. Just imagine. They dried the wash, stored vegetables and canned food, bags and sacks of flour, sugar, potatoes, onions, dried mushrooms and fruits, small kitchen appliances, leftovers of paint, glue, nails and screws, hammers and drills, sledges, skis, garden tools, and a woolen blanket.

Scene # 2. And now try to imagine how in the evening, when the summer heat breaks, the sounds of a serenade performed by a young man in love are heard under such a balcony, and an excited young lady tries to break between the banks and the sled effortlessly and elegantly. Lol.

For the first time here, in Kyiv, I saw balconies "with ledge". They are glazed in such a way as to maximize them due to the upper part from the window sill to the ceiling. The main thing, when trying to deceive the system, is not try to deceive the laws of physics.

In a far future, a descendant who will clean up such a balcony will be able to learn the culture and history of his family with the help of things that are stored there.


In contrast to "Great Balcony, on which you could find Everything and More", on the other side of the street, there is a mural depicting old balconies with wooden openwork weaving.


Have a great day and enjoy your space!


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