France will soon be able to supply 78 Caesar howitzers to Ukraine and will increase the supply of shells

Франція . 🛡️# Міністр оборони визнає, що розглядає можливість використання своїх прерогатив, щоб змусити збройні компанії визначити пріоритети та прискорити виробництво зброї та ракет, необхідних Україні.

Роман КУХАРУК: "Франція . 🛡️# Міністр оборони …" -

Останній Капіталіст в Elk: "Франція незабаром зможе поставит..." | Elk

France will soon be able to supply 78 Caesar howitzers to Ukraine and will increase the supply of shells

French Defense Minister Lecorneuil said that France, Ukraine and Denmark have reached an agreement to finance the self-propelled 155mm Caesar howitzers, which will allow France to "quickly deliver" them.

According to him, France has also set a goal to supply Ukraine with 80,000 rounds of ammunition for 155-mm guns this year, up from 30,000 delivered since the start of the war on February 24, 2022.

In addition, France is involved in a search for existing stockpiles of gunpowder and ammunition that could be purchased from countries outside the EU, a plan initiated by the Czech Republic to further support Kyiv.

France not only makes loud statements, but also gradually increases its assistance

France Expands Military Support to Ukraine: 78 Caesar Howitzers and Increased Ammunition Supply Promised

France, military support, Ukraine, Caesar howitzers, ammunition supply, defense cooperation

France Boosts Military Aid to Ukraine: 78 Caesar Howitzers and Ammunition Surge Promised

French Defense Minister Lecorneuil's announcement signals a significant escalation in France's support for Ukraine, with plans to supply 78 Caesar howitzers and a substantial increase in ammunition provision. This move underscores France's commitment to aiding Ukraine in its defense against aggression.

Original Source: French Defense Minister Announcement

#FranceSupportsUkraine #MilitaryAid #CaesarHowitzers #AmmunitionSupply #DefenseCooperation

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