A Walk from " Istorychnyi Muzei to Pokrovski Park" - Eid Celebration and Photoshoot

Eid celebration is something which I enjoy most among all the festivals and always like to celebrate with friends and family. But unfortunately, last 4 years I have been celebrating this festival without family and homeland. But despite a little bit of sadness of being away from home, I always try to enjoy the celebration in my own way.

No matter what is the current situation, I always stay positive and try to achieve the most joy out of the day. I don't care about anything except choosing my own happiness just for few days. Leaving stress a way more behind, this year I also decided to celebrate my Eid in a different way. Eid day was nothing special, I spent most of my time cooking dishes as I was trying to cook Chicken Biriyani for the first time. Later, I was feeling so tired, so I decided to relax and take a rest so that I can go out yesterday after EID-Ul-Fitr day. It was a worthy day and a good decision.



There are many beautiful locations in Kharkiv that are worthy to visit now because it's spring and easy to go anywhere. So, I decided to go to Istorychnyi Muzei first, a beautiful cubical historical museum located there. The colorful stained glass box looks so beautiful in daylight and worthy to take some photos in front of the structure.

Also, Pokrovski Monestry and park, Constitution Square located nearby so it was the perfect place to celebrate my EID first.



The day was so bright and sunny and beautiful. The cool south breeze was blowing so the heat from the sun was mild though the temperature was 23 degrees celsius.


The glass box of the Museum looks so beautiful and I felt like it was completely blended with the sky. Many people were roaming around here and there and some were taking photos as well. I have seen this museum before so after taking some pictures, I concentrate on my main destination.



These soviet old buildings were adding extra beauty into the surrounding. It was a pleasant moment to walk around and explore the large square. Also, the constitution square monument was nearby so one can easily explore so many locations here.

Look at the buildings, they were providing extra boost into the atmosphere.


Constitution square or Independence Square is the oldest square of Kharkiv city and it's now a symbol of the city. The monument is known as Independence Monument "Flying Ukraine" located in the middle of the Square. This area is carrying the name of the main law of the country since 1996 when it was adopted. Since then every year June 28, Independence day celebrate here and many events happen here.


This guy was feeding the pigeons and was sitting there with a piece of bread. There are many pigeons in this location and they will come to you if you sit there and want to feed them. It was a joyful scene to look at...



On my way to Pokrovski Park and University Hill, I have found an old lady who was selling these cute little showpieces. They are basically angels, cupids and the lady was sitting near the park. These small dolls, cupids, and angels are made of clay and ceramics. I felt they are great souvenirs and can be beautiful gifts for Christmas.



Finally, after 30 minutes of walk, I came to Pokrovski Park and decided to sit there. The fountain was off, not working at all and I don't know why. This park is also known as University Hill and Pokrovsky Monestry is located nearby. You can go to many locations from here, of course by walking :P

You can see Alexander Belltower from the park...

If you want to go to this location, you can take the metro. The metro station is known as Maidan Constitutski/ Istorychnyi Muzei. If you wanna take a taxi, use location Istorychnyi Muzei.


Part 2 is coming... :D




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"I am @priyanarc... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."


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All the pictures used are captured by the author...


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