Wartime Diary, Kyiv, 29.03.22

Taught 5 more English lessons today.

I was very tired, but I didn’t hear a single siren today. And I don't even know if that's good or bad.


Screenshot from my Kyiv Digital app - timing of the latest air raid sirens.

Among the news that caught my eye was this one. In Melitopol, a city currently occupied by the russians, the head of the Educational Department, Iryna, Shcherbak, was detained and is held captive. She refused to organize education in schools in russian and according to the russian program. This reflects a lot the real situation I experienced in my childhood.

When I was a kid, I was growing in a russian-speaking city (a very big one) and studied in a russian-speaking school. All subjects were taught in russian at the time there. Ukrainian-speaking classes were organized only after my graduation, and now all schools there are (finally) fully Ukrainian. But I remember very clearly that all students and educational staff, as well as other citizens, were always very pro-Ukrainian: we supported all pro-Ukrainian and pro-European revolutions, honored Ukrainian culture, learnt and loved the Ukrainian language. We were always very patriotic. I believe now it's even stronger. So, I'm really proud of this brave lady who stands her ground and fights at her level, at the risk of her own safety. I hope she is released soo, safe and sound. She is a heroine of Ukraine.


The city of Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia region - PHOTO CREDIT

In Kherson region, in the temporarily occupied Henychesk, these monkeys began to issue pensions in Russian rubles. This was reported by the deputy of the Kherson Regional Council Serhii Khlan. An obvious rotten attempt to establish their control there, which will definitely not succeed. But even this is not the worst. It is sad to receive news that deputies and heads of cities are being kidnapped, which has already happened in Henychesk, Hola Prystan' and in the village of Kalanchak.

The President reported that some of the kidnapped mayors (among all the cases throughout Ukraine over the last month), unfortunately, died. This is very terrible news, because the decapitation of the city during the war is a serious threat to the security of all its inhabitants: both physical and humanitarian. The mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, called on his European colleagues to exert pressure at all levels and continue to assist in the release of the heads of Ukrainian cities.


Oleksandr Babych, mayor of Hola Prystan' (Kherson region) has been kidnapped - PHOTO CREDIT

Lastly, I would encourage everyone who wishes to support Ukrainians, to donate to one organization I know very well and have been supporting for some time already. It's called Marsh Zhinok (March of Women). This is their website, Facebook page and Instagram page. The collect money to help women that have suffered from russian aggression (we know what horrible things can happen to females under war). This help will be forwarded to volunteers, military women, nurses and doctors. Click here to donate.

Thank you all!

Glory to Ukraine!

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