I'm back! I have finished setting up my new aquarium!

If you've been following my blogs & vlogs these past few weeks you'd know that I've been working on replacing my failing 250L bullet tank aquarium with a 350L corner aquarium.

In the middle of June I finally acquired the 350L corner tank I'd been looking for as well as offloading my mothers old tank in a tank swap + a little cash. Saved me £135 of the total price which is great and the dude gets an easier to manage tank too which is also great!

The new tank weights nearly 75KG by itself, being made with 10mm glass all round. it's a pain in the arse to pick up because the glass is so slick and it also was very oily due to the glue/paste used to stick backgrounds on. Once it was on the stand it was super easy to carry around but the tank by itself is a nightmare.


It took about a week to finally get the cabinet painted white and reseal the base plastic on to the tank, partly because at this point we both were exhausted. (and still are)

The paint is actually an exterior paint because we wanted something with strength because of the heavy filter etc.


Once we got paint done and everything in place it was just a matter of filling and setting up the filter, which turned out to be a pain in the arse as well.


This was mainly to the poorly designed fittings on my UV Sterilizer... Flat faced fittings on to a bevelled inlet.. yeah.. we had to double up the washers on them to get a decent seal, and even now I'm not 100% trusting it. But it's not leaking now which is great. I just have to be careful not to push the pipes around to much and make something move.


This is what my living room looked like for a few days as well sorted everything out and got ready to move the fish.


Here's the life support system, super duper not at all overkill for this sized tank.
The giant bucket is a 25L pressurized pond filter because it's the only thing big enough to take enough bio media to handle my goldfish.
It's got a nice backflush system which means I can clean and drain my tank at the same time so water changes should be easier if it works.

The big white thing is my 25W pond UV sterilizer because you can't go over kill with these and also I didn't know it was this bloody big xD

Then we have the Fluval SP2 External Pump which can do up to 3,600L/h


The lid was damaged which we knew when we brought it, we've sort of rigged a system to support the front and back panels on either side of the light with a piece of welding rod bent to hook over the light.
It works and stops most of the water and fish from escaping the tank.


This is the final shot for today, A messy temporary setup inside the tank.

Basically everything is just thrown in at the moment and I'll get the proper aquascaping done later which will be for another posts.

The camera for the fishcam on my livestreams sits nicely on a cardboard platform that came with the filter that we modified to wedge in the corner, it's temporary but it works. it also hold the light remote. :D

I'm super happy with the tank, I'm going to be even more happy once I've finished aquascaping it to look super cool, Got tons of cool ideas!

Also my pleco is very much happier now that he can actually fit in the tank! That big boi looks so small in this tank haha!

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