Java Jaguar 350

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It's a glitch in The Matrix. Or maybe Groundhog's Day.

How many of you thought, "Matt screwed up and uploaded the wrong strip!"

Hah! Gotcha!

This was probably the easiest strip I ever had to "draw." It was so easy that the timelapse video is so short that Java's theme song barely gets a chance to start. I encourage everyone to watch the timelapse video. I've started uploading them to Rumble instead of YouTube, because Rumble monetizes them starting on Day 1. Whereas YouTube offers the option to monetize once I have 10,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel.

And I'm pretty sure none of you that read the comic subscribe to my YouTube channel. Or any of my comics for that matter. And there's really no reason to. The comics pages have the "final product," and I have zero additional content in video format. But go ahead and click on that video link to watch the strip magically appear from a blank page template. I might make a penny for every ten of you that click on it.

JAVA JAGUAR is a webcomic based on the true story of a talking jaguar cub found in a coffee shop. Yes, I said based on the true story. Java Jaguar is produced by the nomadic cartoonist, Matt S. Law, on his mobile art studio consisting of Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+.

To read Java Jaguar from the beginning, start HERE.

Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Surface Pro 4. Here is the time lapse video:

Screenshot 2024-03-31 213923.png

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