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"50 Cent Bin Bonanza!!!" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

I just got back from I LIKE COMICS, which is a great, sizable comic store in Vancouver, Washington, USA. I did a medium sized dive (not super deep) into the 50 cent bins, and emerged with about 60 books. I ALSO bought my first new comics box in over 20 years!!!

[Sorry... Got a little carried away there...]

I've been buying (physically and digitally) mostly graphic novels and huge collections for the last few years... (Or DECADES, I should say.) However, I've recently rediscovered the thrill of reading a single issue of a comic (thanks to a few freebies I grabbed on Comixology and on Free Comic Book Day) (which is in August this year for some reason...), so I've been hanging on to some cash (in a can on my t.v. stand) for a while, and finally found the opportunity to make a trip to Vancouver and get my mits on some cheap books!

This means that there will be weirdo reviews coming very soon! So get yourself ready for TRASH BIN BOOKS!!! (That's probably not what I'm gonna call the reviews... I just like to be dramatic...)

(Note: 60 books is not enough to fill a short box, but I had a bunch of unboxed issues and thin collections floating around the house that fattened the selection nicely. Still room for a handful more, too, once I've read all of these!)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)