Daredevil Battles Racism

In 2013, Daredevil #32 revealed a front page story of the Daily Bugle about riots that broke out in regards to the Bainwood verdict. The DA, James Priest, revealed the names and addresses of those that were on the jury. The Sons of the Serpent were called out as to being the ones responsible for the riots. This organization is a known white supremacist group who have their hooks in the New York justice system.

Meanwhile, the Jester has a front row seat to his own version of the real "theater," as he keeps tabs on Daredevil's every movement with video cameras. Each time the Jester pulls the strings, something thwarts his current plans. Needing to find out about the "Darkhold," a book of spells from ancient times, Matt Murdock heads to Greenwich Village to visit an old friend, Dr. Strange.

Strange sends Murdock on a mission to Stone Hills, Kentucky, to meet with Jack Russell. While there, he comes across a mob of people who think they are chasing a few people of color. However, upon a closer examination, the ones being chased were dressed as if they were monsters. Unfortunately, they are! The wonderful artwork of Javier Rodriguez and VC's Joe Caramagna makes you think of a classic Lon Chaney and Bela Lugosi movie. They are all there, including a Mummy and a Werewolf. Check out the retro cover pictured above by Chris Samnee and Javier Rodriguez! Mark Waid and Chris Samnee should be writing for a horror mag after this piece.

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