The Comedy Rumble-My First time PT II

My first time flying.

Two weeks back, I started a series on my first time but got too lazy to complete it. Today I shall be taking you on a journey through the first time I performed certain activities.if you want to read about the first episode, a click on this link would take you safely there

The first time i boarded an airplane
Growing up, I was one of those kids that would run after a plane in the sky screaming "aeroplane" and waving my hands wildly in the air. I have always imagined what it would feel like the day I'd finally get to fly in one of those. Last year, an opportunity presented itself and I was so elated. I had my brother-in-law talk me through the various stages of boarding since I was a novice that didn't want to appear as one. I needed to know everything so I can waltz through like a regular😜.

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My flight was scheduled for 5:30pm so I left my house by 4pm as instructed by in-law to avoid any unforeseen circumstances that could cause me to miss my flight. Unfortunately it rained and the road to the airport was flooded causing a standstill. I was looking at the airport but couldn't reach it. I started hyperventilating at the thought of missing my flight. Someone suggested I take a bike. The idea was a crazy one since the bikes were driving through the gutters (water channel) but what options do I have? I jumped on the bike and in less than two minutes I was at the airport.


I rushed in and got my boarding pass and headed to the boarding room. At the boarding room, I met a lot of people seated and waiting for the flight to be announced. The voice over making the announcement was a female but I could barely make out what she was saying.

She was forming accent and all I heard each time she came on voice was

"Announcing the arrival of flight ghnsjjauebebiddidienevfffahjjakelkeusgdhsiekej Abuja. Thank you".

How do I know when my flight would be announced with such an accent? Luckily for me, a young man came into the boarding room and sat beside me. He started a conversation with me and I braved up to ask him where he was flying to. Turned out we were both flying on the same flight to Lagos. This helped me to relax since I could easily follow him once he stood up.

The lady on the voice over came on again and the guy stood up and picked his bags. I picked mine and followed him. He turned and looked at me. "Do you also want to use the toilet?" he asked. How do I tell him I thought he was going to board? I just smiled and resumed my seat.

We finally boarded and at take off, I prayed in my native language for the first time . Once the plane was off the ground, I thought of all the possible things that could go wrong. I was so terrified. Nobody told me about turbulence. Each time the plane shook, I said a prayer of forgiveness.


I hated the pilot's voice each time it came on because for some reason, it felt like he was going to say "may day may day or something terrible". I preferred the silence πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„, it was more reassuring. I held my arm rest so tight and closed my eyes all through the flight. I was a nervous wreck and I forgot all I googled on how to handle first time flying nerves.

I thank God I landed safely. Funny enough, landing wasn't as scary as take off. I was glad to see my sister waiting at the airport. As I shared my experience with her, she couldn't help laughing at me. She told me it was because it was the first time that the second time would be better and true to her words, it was.

What was your first time flying like?

Until i come your way again on The COMedy Rumble), stay happy!

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