Some women are very funny

Some women are very funny.

My wife and I decided to go to the market together today because she wanted to get some materials for our kids. In my case, I was going to the market for my business purpose.
You know, there are times when women assume they are always smart when, in reality, they are still learning. This is especially true when they are married and have no other option but to prove their intelligence to their husband. They are aware that men are aware of their schemes, but they choose to remain silent about them.

I really give some men kudos for being patient enough to tolerate all these things women are doing, sometimes it is annoying and the other way round very funny. It is wonderful, our men are trying, especially here in Nigeria. Don't miss quote me, I am not saying women are not trying, just please read until the end. Seriously, personally, all I just see this kind of attitude is very funny. I've come to the conclusion about the whole thing that it is just the nature of every woman, they are very funny beings.

When my wife and I arrived at the market, we looked around together. To put it briefly, we were exploring the entire market when my wife suddenly mentioned that she was hungry and hadn't eaten since the morning. I was concerned about her condition and asked her to accompany me so that we could find food because I was also hungry.
I was considering all the costs and preferred to eat at home, so I never wanted to notify her that I was hungry. I adore dining at home because, even if my friends don't seem to mind, I can never be happy with what I eat in a canteen. It also looks bad if I keep asking for more food.

I was considering all the costs and preferred to eat at home, so I never wanted to notify her that I was hungry. I adore dining at home because, even if my friends don't seem to mind, I can never be happy with what I eat in a canteen. It also looks bad if I keep asking for more food.
Before I proceed, earlier on while we were on our way to the market, I borrowed a thousand Naira from my wife, of which it was used for our transport fare.

Now that we both wanted to eat something, I still had to pay for the food, which is normal for me as the husband .but here is the funniest part of the whole thing, after we had already finished eating, would you mind believing my wife was still asking me of her 1000 Naira, of which I found very funny to me, .here is the thin woman will never leave their money with you, they are going disturb you for their money but when you are spending on them, you would be hearing them calling sweet names, this is hilarious to me, and I was just laughing, I could not say anything? I was just thinking it in mind that after I've spent more than money I borrowed from you , you still have the mind to ask of the money I borrowed. I FEAR WOMEN

Women are exceptional beings who need to understand very well.
Note: all pictures are from gallery.
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