The Nail in my Anus, lolz

I was arranging my room one certain time and I shake the curtains too much, the nail i used to hold the curtains hook fell off, and I took it and placed it on my bed. In my mind was that, after arranging the room, I will go find a hammer and put the nail back to where it belongs to, but I finished tidying up the room and I forget that the nail was on my bed, I sit on it and the nail goes straight to my anus.

I get up and ran outside, on the corridor, while I was running without looking back, I pushed a woman that was carrying food jar, she yelled at me, and people came out, what happened next, is a discussion I will greatly tell another day.

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I stopped somewhere, and from there, I was sighted my room, as if it wasn't mine, the reason i did this was that, I was trying to figured out what really chuck on my anus in the room, after a long time trying to figure out what, I remember while I was in the process of tidying up, a nail fell on the ground and it was on the bed that I kept it.

Before I was able to get this straight, It was getting to night time, and so many people went to my room to check on me, just to find out I was not around, although it might surprise them of where i've gone to, because the door of the room was open.

I make a promise to myself that, no matter what hurts me in the room, I will not used it anymore, so I pulled down all the curtains and the nails in the room, when I pulled all of them off, I was satisfied, but I was surprised when a girl that I have been forming for in the compound, laugh at me one certain time, I was going out and I hear her making jess of me, using her kid sister, she said, I eat garri like a dog.

The worst of it was that, she said, she can't date someone like me, who eat like a dog, and that part particularly touch me so badly, because I was like planning on the day I was going to take the bold step and asked her to be my girlfriend.

When I hear her said it, i begin to examine what makes my guards to loose up to that extent, I get into my room, thinking no one can see me on the inside, ye it didn't revealed to me that, the same way I see people outside through the GMP glasses in the day time, that is, exactly the same way people can see me on the inside when it is night time, because I have removed my curtains.

I carried out this examination in the day time, and I realized that, no one can see me on the inside, but I was still wondering "how come she saw the way I eat". So, in the night, I went out and check through the GMP glasses, behold!, everything on the inside was shooting out for everyone who sight to see, my room was like an open place, or will I called it, "a show ground, where all the viewer's could see the performing ground so bright.

It was on that night, that I fixed the curtains back on the room, I didn't mind if I was disturbing them with the banging of the hammer on the wall, it was my privacy I wanted to cover real tight.

GMP glasses is naked on the both side, is just where is dark that we could see through, I can not build a house and fixed that kind of glasses on my house, I will rather used a wood window, that one will offer me the splendid privacy i am looking for.

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