COM4: Suckcess 101 in the workplace.


¿Overall Personal Growth?

Interestingly, lately I have come across a lot of articles in our social network on the blockchain with opinions, recommendations, tutorials and suggestions on how to be successful in Hive and grow our account fast.

These articles are very well described and illustrated within their perspective with classic examples through literary speeches, screen captures, podcasts, vlogs, other videos and whatnot that emphasize the value of comments, the interaction and the social engagement as its compounding nature and main mean of getting ahead within the ecosystem. All this regardless and in addition of content creation.

And yeah, I certainly don't think what they've done is wrong. It's only that I would like to approach the same subject from another point of view. From the point of view of reverse psychology. With my usually cranky sense of humor.

I am not totally sure if the current excess of articles with this type of content is entirely related to the abrupt fall of cryptocurrencies in the markets and its consequent effect on the price of the token Hive. But I have my suspicions about it.

But let's put that aside now for a moment and get on with what I wanted to signify today. The same subject but in Reverse Psychology. Remember?

«-Discernment Drops-»

Of course I recognize the virtues, advantages and benefits of interacting and making yourself known by commenting and leaving smart messages and valuable opinions in the content of other authors on behalf of create new and lasting relationships in your workplace. After all, it is where you spend most of your time.

However, I hope you have noticed that I clearly said: Commenting, interacting and leaving smart and valuable opinions in the content of other authors. Nothing else!

The truth is that I really don't know if many of you are going to find #comedy in this post. But for me comedy is comedy. And those who already know me well, know that my comedy is always very serious and is mainly aimed at making you think regardless if it makes you laugh or not.

At my age, everything for me is already pure comedy. Sometimes lighter and more frivolous and other times a little denser and heavier. But amusing comedy after all.

Oh! and speaking of serious, dense and heavy humor.

Let's check this serious comedy!

Would you believe me if I told you that while I was looking for inspiration material for the preparation of this article I found myself with something truly curious?

I was really surprised to discover how difficult it is to find good material and content through Google if you do searches using the keywords: Sycophant, Ass-kisser, Bootlicker, Brown-noser, Flatterer, Lackey, Lap-dog & Yes-man among many others.

But what I found most curious of all. It was the fact of not only finding very few videos on the subject on YouTube and other audiovisual platforms. But that any video that included any of those keywords above in its title or description, it has been pretty overwhelming to see how few views they get and have gotten so far.

Which seems pretty weird to me and makes me wonder the why of this. Could it be that no one finds it funny anymore to look themselves in the mirror? That they are afraid to find and discover that there is no more comedy in their reflection?

It was practically impossible for me to find a good Stand Up Comedy video to share with a comedian talking and making jokes about this subject using any of the keywords mentioned above. ¿Don't you find it weird too?

Well, anyway...

"Communication Skills"

Moderate yourself, do not exaggerate and do not exceed your enthusiasm to comment, interact and make yourself known at any price. Everything has its time and measure. And from the hurry and the rush only fatigue remains.

All in due time. Because to seem interesting and worthy of attention to eventually grow a loyal audience of followers, you don't have to go overboard with flattery, compliments, pick up lines and all that fake climbing leech's malarkey to achieve it.

First try to know well the territory. Identify your limits beforehand. Know where you are standing and with whom you are trying to relate. Disregard lightly advice and try to confirm for yourself what you are getting into first. There is no other way.

So, ¡Watchout!

Having said all that I have already said. I suppose that the difficulty in finding abundant content with those "keywords" only has one explanation. That it just doesn't seem to be a very popular subject of discussion. ¡Anywhere!

And therefore it seems to me that this article may well be a very good place to do it. I really think more discussion is needed on this matter. Aside from the fact that it apparently is an unpopular topic but though it is also a very common reality that few dare to deal with. So, why not giving more opportunity to debate?

Nonetheless, I'm afraid that it will not be of much use to me as to win the Jester Award or The Joker Award of The Comedy Open Mic Contest. But who cares? Maybe I can still get one of the 8 awards as a Honorable Comedian. You never know what people have in mind when it comes to serious comedy.

So for now, let's just say that I've simply tried to contribute with something different to this nascent humorous community making its reappearance and comeback to Hive. A new welcome community in which in my opinion it is worth subscribing, supporting and participating. Because the truth is that more humor is needed in the blockchain. It doesn't matter if it's a moody, cryptic, critical, polemic, stinging and cranky humor like mine. But the important thing is that there be humor.

They say that there are no rules to entering the contest as each post in the community will be considered for the prizes. And to tell the truth, they don't have many demands either to be eligible for the prizes. Just three basically:

  1. Nominate people to enter the contest.
  2. Reblog the announcement.
  3. Subscribe to the community.

And as you can see, none of them are mandatory, but only to show some support for their initiatives and the long live of the community. It's just the round 4 running for 14 days. Hence you still have time to participate without excuses.

For my part, I have already met the last two requirements. Therefore, I only need nominate people to enter the contest. And I'm gonna do it in my own way too. In the manner of reverse psychology. In which I am going to nominate to absolutely everyone who works and makes life in this social network on the blockchain on a daily basis without specifically naming anyone at all. Hence, you are all nominated to participate. Bring your sense of humor on board to be judged. Presto!

Last but not least...

«-A Brief Reflection-»

Beware of the over-doer. The perpetual volunteer. Those who stay all night trying to beat everybody at work. That one always agreeing, never complaining, snack-bringing, weekend working, always smiling, that overlaughing person!

Because if you don't know who that person is in your workplace. It's because that's probably you!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf


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