I helped my wife with the housework and it hurts from my foot to my ears, hahaha…ha ha ha…

I helped my wife with the housework and it hurts from my foot to my ears, hahaha…ha ha ha…


How are my friends from Comedy Open Mic well, I hope everyone is well, thank God I am in good health, but discouraged, and I say this, because For a week I have been at home, since my job is growing vegetables on my farm, but, due to the constant rains that have fallen, I had to suspend planting until these storms pass, although I tell you something, I think I work more at home than on the farm.

Yes friends, I think I work more at home than on the farm. I tell you, I recognize the work that our wives do at home, such as the general cleaning of the house, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, which practically takes up many hours of the day, but let's take into account these hours, to prepare the Breakfast lasts about 30 minutes, to wash the dishes that were dirty at breakfast, give it 30 minutes, to clean the house, give it an hour, then comes lunch, give it 1:30 hours, that is when the beans and meat are soften quickly, then you have to wash the dishes and pots, give it 30 more minutes, well friends, until lunch, they have dedicated themselves to the house, have, have, a total of: 4 hours, that is, a large part of the morning you are beautiful women dedicated it to the house, I forgot, dinner! with dinner and washing the dishes again it all adds up to about 6 hours of work that these ladies dedicate to their house, not including washing their children's and husband's clothes...



I tell you friends that this morning my wife went to visit our daughter and while she was away from home, I decided to help her with the housework, with the idea that when she returns, she will find the bathroom and the Very clean kitchen, I also cleaned the balcony window glass, as well as the ceramic floor and some walls:



And although I already felt like I was getting married, I decided to prepare a lunch. Hey, really, I never thought this would be so bad, I tell you that I was standing from the morning until 2 in the afternoon when lunch was there.

Friends, I confess that I wanted to run away, but running to my farm, there I grab an ax and cut down a bush, I also repair the fences, I also have to water my crops, and it doesn't tire me, like the work I did today in the house I think housework is much harder than any other, look, I feel like my ankles, knees, neck, hands, feet, even my hair hurt haha ​​haha ​​haha ​​ha ha..... .. ........

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