RE: (Sigh.) Chess Is Rude. (Sigh.)

I'm discovering my inner invalid

I laughed so hard at that, I think that I too may now be discovering my inner invalid.

My school didn't have a chess club (too rural), but it did have a Latin program, and they had chess tournaments (along with quiz, volleyball, and ping-pong) at the district 'Latin Club' events twice a year. I usually could place top five at those, but don't remember ever winning first. I used to play on FICS back in the dial-up modem days, and got my rating up around 1200.

I've been kinda wanting to get back into it, but I've hardly played in the last 20 years, and I don't think I could take the humiliation, after my previous brushes with modest success. Maybe in another year or two, I'll be ready to trigger my midlife crisis.

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