RE: Who needs a : ?

Not sure what you think you missed, this post just dropped a few hours ago, and I've been mostly silent about it until this post.

I've been pondering whether my asshole is more, or less perfect, now that's it's been modified. Since my health is improving, I'm currently saying it's more perfect.

Sorry about your buddy with stomach cancer. That's the least funny of all the cancers. My in-laws had a tough one of those many years ago, young girl on her way to college, gone just before her 19th birthday. Condolences to the family, that shit is rough.

P.S. and Oh Yeah...

Forgive me for promoting this post. I've been gone so long, I thought I might have to spam a bit to get any attention.

...and another edit...

How could I forget to mention that I'm not very well versed in Versed?

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