Our Police and Laws

Cottonbro studio

After the protest against police rascality in our country, the ball game changed entirely. Police officers took a new turn in disseminating their responsibility. First, they started to ensure that traffic laws were obeyed to the latter. Offenses that would be handled as trivial matters became something that was handled with a lot of seriousness.

I was personally beginning to like the alertness of the police after the protest. They maintained serious stop-and-search checkpoints across the nation and the collection of bribes soon stopped. I think this is a phenomenon around the world with police officers. You cannot doubt the fact that there are levels of corruption in the police across the globe. In some cases, it is the police that even instigate or initiates high criminal activities in the communities.

In our case, during the #endsars protest which became a global debate on police brutality against unarmed civilians, some police officers were humiliated and some were even lynched. It was an opportunity to feast on the police and the hoodlums took made the police officers also feel the weight of being harassed. Though we frowned at it, we were only out to make necessary corrections where there were loopholes in the system. It was not meant to drag the entire police force.

One event made me crack my head over the actions that followed when the police started to make individuals pay for the humiliation that they received during the protest.

Mikhail Nilov

Normally, ambulances were given an exemption from traffic lights. Such exemptions also spread to other departments or agencies of government that undertake emergency cases or functions and the exemptions are immunity.

On that fateful day, an ambulance was carrying a corpse to the morgue and as usual, was blowing the siren so that other vehicles could steer clear of the way. When the driver maneuvered towards the end where there was a traffic light and made to drive across to the other side, the police officer flagged him down.

Good day officer. How may I help you?

The ambulance driver asked.

With a deep frown on his face, the police officer yelled at the driver.

Do you want to teach me about my job? Did you not see the red light on the traffic light? The police officer queried.

This is an ambulance as you can see. The traffic light has no restriction on an ambulance officer. The driver said.

The officer is not ready to make corrections. He went ahead to make more mistakes.

It is the law Mr. Man, the law is above every man. No one is above the law, even the dead.

Everyone at the scene opened their mouths so wide in disbelief that an officer of the law could make such a statement.

Even the dead ?❗

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