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COMedy Rumble: Usher's Pen

Welcome y'all to your favorite COMedy show. It is another time to laugh out loud on a stressful day.

I have been wanting to ask this question. Why do pastors say:

if only one person is blessed in this service.

That could be a painful statement. Out of all the congregation, how could they want one person to be blessed. Despite paying their tithe against the wish of some social media influencers like #DaddyFreeze.

Now compare that statement in other professions. If a pilot says the same thing,

if only one passenger lands successfully, I have done my job.

Would that be fair?

Ramazan Karaoglanoglu

Talking about church. Have you attended a church where the ushers use their pen to wake you up from sleeping or dozing during sermon? 😂🤣😂

One Sunday morning, after dancing during the praise and worship session, the preacher mounted the pulpit and began to call prayer points. Behold me, I began to doze off when my mother asked the usher to wake me up.

Bro Timo, the chief usher, walked up to me with his pen and struck me on the shoulders. My dear brothers and sisters, I could not sleep for three days. Had I known, I wouldn't have ventured sleeping in the church.

The ushering pen can perform magic. A hardened criminal in the custody of the police would not even own up-to-date committed a crime no matter the torture. They used all kinds of punishment on him, yet he was adamant. Then, one of the police officers who attended our local church remembered Bro Timo and his ushering pen. He requested that he be invited.

With one whip, the criminal would even own up to crimes he has not committed. You attend such churches, right. 🤣😂🤣😂

Alicia Zinn

Movies Where Ghost Tiptoes

In the growing period of Bollywood, the Indian movie industries. I watched with enthusiasm in one movie with the lead actor Amthab.

One of the characters in the movie died and was to avenge her death. In the middle of the night, her ghost rose up and was tiptoeing through the verandah to kill her killer.

At another time, a ghost was watching left and right before crossing the highway. 🤣😂🤣😂

As is that's not all.

Karolina Gabrowska

900 Million Zimbabwean Dollar

Last week, I was invited as a COMedian to Zimbabwe as part of celebration for their national independence. I tell you, it was a rib-cracking event. The audience had a swell time as I told them some of my best jokes.
After the event, the organizers paid me 900 million Zimbabwean dollar. I was so happy. That was a huge amount of money.

When I arrived at our national airport, I requested for police escort. The Divisional Police Officer was found to shout me down but because of the power of the money I had in me, I told him:

I have with me 900 million Dollars.

Without mincing words, he gave me an escort and we moves on to Bureau D'Change. There were five police Hilux cars in the convoy. Men! Money is good, I tell you.

The honour Infor that day was I match to what some president would ever get.

When we arrived at that change agent. He asked me how much I want to change. Proudly, I told him 900 million dollars.

Before I knew what was happening, they took me with my police ordeal into the inner chamber. From outside, you can hear the gunshots of the officers. The euphoria was everywhere.

The change buy asked me if I wanted coffee or tea. I simply passed because I was eager to know what the total money will be.

My dear friends, I was already swearing profusely. I presently the cash to the change guy. To my amazement, the whole 900 million dollars only amounted to $20 US😂🤣😂🤣

You can't believe it.

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I am inviting @henrietta27 and @mary-ahnne to join.