My Dad's Secret Revealed


My dad is a Nigerian military man and this scene happened back then in 2003. And my dad gave birth to six children. So of the six children that he had, the second born always gave him a tough time among all his children. The way my dad is lying to my mom whenever he collect his monthly salary was not proper and his children noticed it but there was nothing we could do. So one faithful day, my father collected his salary and lied to my mom that they had not paid him, In the process, my immediate elder brother who's the tough guy in the family saw my father and he went to hide his salary... My brother did not talk. When my father went out to go and drink his regular kind of beer, my brother took my mom to the place where my father hid his salary. Now before I proceed, I want to say something, we only eat rice during any festive period.. We hardly eat rice because my father is an I don't care, father. So when my tough brother showed my mom where my daddy kept his salary, my mom took all of it and kept it safe that very day, my mom went to the market and bought rice and meat, we ate the rice as if we had never eaten rice in our life. We ate all of the food and my mom didn't keep any meals for my dad. The reason is that if my mom keeps his part of the meal, my dad will be suspicious of how my mother got the money to prepare a delicious meal that we don't eat regularly. So later that day my dad came back from wherever he went to and went straight to where he hid his salary... Behold the money is gone. My dad screens out loud and attracts the attention of all of us in the house. Now Dad why did you scream the way you did, Dad couldn't talk because he lied to Mum that he had not collected his salary. Now Dad is on a hot seat.

Ben White

All of a sudden, my dad was sweating as if he just finished digging a big hole.
Dad couldn't bear it, he shouted and said who took my money? We were not surprised because we knew that my mom had taken the money and we were on our mother's side backing her up. So we said Dad, which money are you talking about? Dad said if nobody wanted to tell the truth, he would take his life by himself. Hmmm, now we are terrified.
Dad took a rope and a chair to climb and hang himself in the living room. We started begging him not to kill himself, dad said that the only way he would not kill himself was for anyone who took his salary to refund it back. But that is not possible because we have used part of the money to cook delicious meals. We kept on begging our dad not to do what he was about to do. To an extent, the neighbourhood came out to beg my dad not to kill himself. Yet my Father refused and insisted that he must end his life if his salary didn't come a point, I became tired of begging my dad not to end his life, so I was upset, I went closer to my dad and said to my dad, daddy since you want to end your life and make us a fatherless children, let me help you by taking the chair off, Daddy started shouting for help. Daddy said help me! Help me, I don't want to die! Someone helped and the neighbor rushed to hold him and removed the rope from his neck. Immediately Daddy jumped down and pursued me. I ran and ran as he chased me... Daddy knew his plan wasn't working for his family, he later gathered us and apologized to Mom for lying to us that he had not been paid.

My mom forgave him and returned the balance of his salary and mom went inside the room and brought Dad's portion of the food we cooked. Since then Dad has become a good Daddy.

Lesson: don't hide anything away from your family because family is everyone.

First image is mine
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