Who is holding your destiny? You or me?

A friend of mine came visiting today. It happened that she arrived when I was sanitizing my surroundings and she joined me.

At a point, we saw Centipede and we killed it. Immediately after killing the centipede, my friend asked me a question that threw me into amazement.

While looking at the dead centipede, She asked me:

Marababy, in whose hands is your destiny?

As I heard the question, many thoughts pop up into my brain. Why? hmmm, it's immediately after killing the centipede that she asked me the question. Also, she was looking intently towards the dead centipede while asking me the question. Moreover, what connection does my destiny share with dead centipede?

Ohhh, I wonder ooo.

Nevertheless, I told her that my destiny is in my hand.

Then, she started telling me a story that took place in between her and her workmates yesterday. According to her, it was like a debate because they were 6 in number and 3 people supported the motion while the other 3 opposed the motion which says that people's destiny is not in their hands rather, in the hand of God.

Base on her sayings, the dead centipede reminded her of their yesterday's debate of which she was among the group that opposed the idea and they debated over the topic until one of them narrated his ordeal with native doctor. Here comes the story....

The story

One of them whose name is Charles started this way..

Hello friends, I think we have debated for a while now over this whole issue. Please, I have my personal experience on this though I never wish to share it, but base on this matter, I must narrate it.

Many years ago, when Dad was still alive, he always tell me that my destiny is in my hands and that I shouldn't have same mindset with other people who thinks that their destiny is in the hand of God just because they don't know the difference between destiny and blessing.

According to him, is not God that will chose carrier for me but if I chose one, he will bless it.

Honestly, I kept those words in my heart until I grew up as an adult. After graduating from college, years passed and I was just rubbishing my life. Any little money I see, I will use it to play bet-naija, lotto, pool and things like that. Anywhere you see lottery, that's where you will see me.

At a point, my life became so devastating that I couldn't afford a square mill for myself.

Then, friends encouraged me to search for my destiny. I went to Baba-ijebu to inquire for my destiny.

He made 2 circles. One is black while the other one is white. Then, he brought out dead centipede, and told me that after some incantations, the dead centipede will start crawling. And that any of the circles it crawled into signifies my destiny.

I waited for a while as he was performing his incantations. Surprisingly, the dead centipede started crawling towards the direction of the black circle he made. Immediately, I picked it up by myself and drop it inside the white circle.

Surprisingly, the native doctor grew so annoyed over my action. Despite his annoyance, I told him that I can't fold my hands akimbo and watch my destiny crawling into darkness because my destiny is in my hands.

As I got up to move away, the doctor asked me to sit down. Then, he gave me a warm handshake and then, he opened my eyes to understand that everybody's destiny is in his or her hands. Yes, it's all about wisdom.

It was then I started hunting for job vacancies and today, am happy because I made wise use of my life.

The point is this, none of us is born in this world to become mumu or as unwise or wise. But we are the ones to chose what we want to become in life. E.g, many girls have ended up in the hands of ritualists because they're unwise.

The lesson

So, chose to live a wise life and God must surely bless you. Whatever you chose to be in this life is what you will become. Everything is in your hand. Do your best and live the rest to your creator.

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