Is there any greater scam than this?

It's no news that 99% of Nigerians are willing to leave the country in search of greener pastures and I do not blame anyone because things aren't getting better in the country. There is no job, the economy is stagnant, and the value of the Naira is not helping the matter as it has defied the law of gravity because since it has gone up, it refuses to come down.

I don't have issues with people travelling out of the country but it baffles me why people are making a fool of themselves out of the desperation to leave the country.

It might not look like they are making a fool of themselves but if we look at things deeply, that's exactly what they are doing.

I got home over the weekend and met my mom discussing with her friend. She was carrying a native fabric and the look on her face wasn't cool. It was easy to tell that something was wrong but I didn't know what exactly and couldn't ask her in the presence of her friend.

I eavesdrop on their conversation but everything didn't make sense to me as I couldn't put the pieces together and had to wait patiently till her friend left.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I asked immediately after her friend left.
My mom sighed heavily and asked if I remembered the fabric she was holding.

It didn't seem familiar so I just nodded my head signifying a no.

"You don't remember Mummy Moji's daughter's wedding," She asked and I immediately remembered.

About two months ago she told me that the daughter of her cooperative leader wanted to get married and that the attire they chose was $25 and headgear was $5. My mom isn't the type who loves to buy clothes but she couldn't say no because the person is one of their cooperative leaders and moreover, the close isn't worth that price. The quality is low and at most, it shouldn't be sold for more than $10 but we thought they might want to give a substantial gift to the people who bought the wedding attire.

She bought the clothes and I was the one who chose the style she was going to sew.


The wedding was supposed to be in three weeks but something I hadn't heard before happened. Mom said that the wedding was called off and after a thorough investigation, they discovered that the couple had travelled abroad about three weeks about two weeks ago and from a reliable source, it was disclosed that the couple needed money regarding the travelling so they faked the wedding and got people to buy Aso Ebi from which they made lots of money.

All the members of the cooperative had bought and even people in the neighborhood not to talk of the church the woman attends. The daughter used her mom's influence to sell the attire to lots of people and travelled out of the country afterwards.

I was shocked when my mom broke the news to me and I wonder why people have to take advantage of others in situations like that.

The mother of the lady broke the news on Whatsapp and the fact that she lied made everyone pissed because they trusted her a lot.

Everything my mom told me about the issue reminded me of the accountant who travelled with company money and put his colleagues in trouble. Understandably, everyone is seeking greener pasture but defrauding people isn't just the right way to go about it.

I have the intention of leaving this country someday and with what's happening, I think of faking a marriage as well or wouldn't it make sense? I can't even imagine it.

My mom was pissed but I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

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