The Commedy Rumble: Racked Brain

Special greetings to the community at large, I'm happy to be here and this will be my first article on this community. It's my entry to the open mic comedy for the week 3. What I'm about sharing is a real life experience and I want you to imagine along as you read.

This event happened last year, it was a Sunday morning when I woke up very early(around 3:00am) and I decided not to sleep back so as not to fall asleep again and so that I won't miss church. I was on bed till God knows how long, pressing phone and meanwhile I was supposed to get to church before 6:45am and if it's too late, it shouldn't be above 7:00am.
It was just few minutes to 7:00am when it dawned on me to get up and start preparing for church(I think the devil was manipulating the situation for me to miss church).
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I woke up and started rushing everything, I boiled water, took my bath, dressed up and moved to Church. I got to church exactly 7:40am and I hated myself for that.

I was lucky to join my Unit members to officiate and I was posted to a particular place (overflow/extension) and I loved it...I'm an usher in my church.


Everything was going fine and towards the end of the service when we were ushering late commers to a Particular place so they could stay and wait for second service.
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I don't know what flashed to my head and I remembered that I forgot to remove the pot of soup I placed on fire before leaving for church. Yeeeyyy! The thought was so loud on my head and I couldn't think straight again, so I quickly decided to follow the warning on my head. I couldn't just leave my duty post like that(yes, I was on my duty post when the thought came), I must tell someone before leaving, I looked around and I noticed that the nearest person in command to tell was a woman. "If I tell a woman the laughter would be worst" I thought within me. So I skipped and went to tell a guy that's kinda far from my post(officiating position) incase if they ask, so he could speak for me till I come back. I got there and whispered everything to him and he laughed me so hard🤣🤣 but it wasn't loud because we were in the midst of people. He said I should rush quickly with his motorcycle, he Handed the key to me.

I got to where the bike was, and another thought came again, "if actually the pot has been on fire, that means that my whole room would be burning by now and my neighbors must have traced me to church because they don't have my phone number to call", so that's to say, everything is calm, the pot is not burning neither is my room.
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Another thought came again "what if it's burning and it has not been so serious because I reduced the intensity very low?" I wondered again and was kinda sure because I remembered when I was boiling water for bathe, I reduced it so low. "I must go, to prevent is better than to sacrifice", I turned on the ignition and just about starting, I remembered that it's like I didn't put the pot on fire, it seems I really turned off the gas after the boiling water. Oh my God! What's happening to my head!🤔🤔

The motorcycle was steaming and I don't know whether to go or not. I finally decided not to go. What will be will be. BUT WHAT IF THE DANGEROUS THING HAPPEN?

I made up my mind to stay, I stopped the bike, and returned the key to the man. He asked what Happened and I gave him all the analysis I had on my mind and he had to excuse himself outside to laugh out loud.🤣🤣🤣🤣
After I decided to stay back, I must say, my mind was not stable, I was thinking and imagining my house burning, but thank God when I got home that day, I met everything in peace.

Have you experienced this kind of thing before?
When you went out and remember that maybe you left pot on fire or you left a tap running?

This is my entry to The comedy Ramble for the week.
I'm suggesting these my good friends to join @dennnmarc and @garrethgrey

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