There is love in sharing even with velvet beans

It's was a long time ago when I was still in secondary school, it was an exam period and we are having a exam that day. I was in the class reading but the noise was too much and I couldn't concentrate so I walk out of the classroom in search for somewhere less noisy. so I went out to sitting down under the mango tree that is in front of our classroom, it's a bit far though with less noise.


As I was reading my books, I didn't know that the velvet beans is beside where I sat in. I was playing with the mango leave not knowing that I was actually romancing the velvet beans. Before I knew it my arm started itching me and I used the second hand to rub it and it all escalate. I ran away to the classroom and all my classmates started asking me what happened to me, I decided not to tell them because if I tell them they we be laughing at me because they have tell me not to go out but I disagree with them.

They continued asking me, but I changed the topic. I mentioned that one of our juniors fell down in the mosque and was bleeding. They immediately ran to the mosque, but they didn't find anyone there.

After that, I took all of them to the mango tree where I saw the velvet beans and asked them if they still want to know what happened and they said yes that they are all curious. I suggested that ten of them should gather around the mango tree to find out what happened. While they were standing there, I directed them to the spot where I had seen the velvet beans. In response, they started jumping and dancing to some unknown music.

It serves them right for wanting to know too much, they shouldn't have pestering me when I'm going through the pain. Don't look at me like that, I'm not wicked, there is love on sharing.

Thanks for visiting my blog and have a nice day

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