Hey there, it's been a while since I Last shared something that might make you laugh, hmm, now I'm wondering if I have ever succeeded in doing that...? Well, I'm here to try it out again and I hope I get those cheeks of yours pumping, hehe. Just the other day I was talking to a friend, no, I mean a friend was talking to me and he was like...


Friend : Hope, you see this upcoming exam we will be having, I'm not looking forward to get anything above 4 points, even if it's 3 points I will go for it and I know I'm surely going to get the chance of studying my dream course.

Me : laughs... So you mean you are spending all those money just to get 4 points out of 15 and you are still going to study your dream course? (my major concern is the money, take note).

Friend : Of course! (he said that so happily, try to imagine it)

Me : Interesting! I thought but not really interesting was my response, at that moment I was wondering how possible it was for me to even think of doing so poorly in the exam because I knew how much is going down for my academic life.

Friend : See Hope, please don't stress yourself too much, I'm not here to prove that I'm a scholar after all, I just came to try my best to study and if I can get 3-4 points in the coming exam, then I'm even going to throw a party.

Me : haha, I laughed but seeing how serious he was saying it, I just had to stop laughing and ask what his dream course was.

Friend : Education na, he replied in pidgin language. You know, what matters is that I get a course to study and since education is close to the least that I can settle for, then that is my dream course.

At this point of our conversation I could feel my friend's fear and one of the major reasons for that fear is the fact that we actually started a little late into our program and he's not seeing himself do well in the coming exams because he was not ready to stress himself for it. I know at this point you guys think I'm the most serious one, well, let me help you stop thinking that because I'm not. Ever since I started this program I've been having a serious challenge of getting to the venue for my classes and that's because my place is quite far from the venue and getting a cab down there every day means more spending.


So now I have learned how to wake up as early as possible but for what? So I can start trekking down to my school early so I can get there on time. I know this sounds somehow but that is just it. Now I can only imagine how the Israelites managed to survive those forty years of wandering in the wilderness because I'm actually getting the Moses vibes from this whole thing. And thanks to my amazing country, they changed the design of some of our major currency so now we literally buy our own money.

I started the program last two weeks and ever since then, I've trekked like one week, sometimes I might be lucky to see a good person who stops for me to join him/her in their car when I'm going to school but coming back home, it's mostly with my legedisbenz (my legs) hehe. So today I'm starting to feel a little sick and I just had to go and get some money from the ATM and I had to stand for over 2 hours before I got to withdraw a limited amount of money but I still prefer that to going to buy money from those selling. For me to get a thousand naira from these money sellers (so I choose to call them), I will pay a hundred naira for it and if it is #10,000, I will pay #1000 to #1500 for it.

Most times all of these things put together has made me very lazy to open my books to study but then when I think of the money I'm spending for this program, I just have to read even when I'm not understanding. Now I even ask questions in class, which I don't normally do because I usually feel shy but not anymore, now I'm totally shameless, you can laugh all you want at me I don't mind, all I want is my complete points I'm paying for please, I don't want to shout, lol.

Wow, I've said this much already? And I see you are still here, that is so sweet of you, thank you, I hope I was able to get your cheek busy but if I wasn't, I promise to do better next time when you visit.

Until next time, stay AWESOME!!!

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