Sibling banter: Every man for himself!


Hello, hello, hello! Dear community.

For me, it is a pleasure to write in this space because of two things: first, who hasn't had something funny happen in their life? And number two, for someone else to laugh at me, I start by laughing myself đŸ˜…đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚.

Look, I haven't even started to tell my anecdotes and I'm already laughing, so why not? It would be great to share them with you to see if the same thing ever happened to you.

Today, starting this month of laughter and jokes, I want to make it clear that I'm the one who likes "white jokes" those of telling someone a joke or putting salt in their coffee, nothing about hurting or harming the other person for life. Because that is the difference that can mark someone for life or the plan can go very wrong.

So here goes my anecdote or anecdotes and I hope you laugh as much as I did đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜…đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚.

Hola, hola hola! Querida comunidad. Para mĂ­, es placentero escribir en este espacio por dos cosas: primero, ÂżA quiĂ©n no le ha pasado algo cĂłmico en su vida? Y nĂșmero dos, para que otro se rĂ­a de mi, empiezo riĂ©ndome yo mismo đŸ˜…đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚. Es que miren, no he empezado a contar mis anĂ©cdotas y ya me estoy riendo, asĂ­ que ÂżPor quĂ© no? SerĂ­a buenĂ­simo compartirlas con ustedes a ver si alguna vez les pasĂł lo mismo. Hoy iniciando este mes de las risas y bromas, quiero dejar claro que soy la que le gusta "bromas blancas" esas de decirle a alguien un chiste o colocarle sal en el cafĂ©, nada de andar dañando ni perjudicando al otro para toda la vida. Porque esa es la diferencia que puede marcar a alguien para toda la vida o salir el plan muy mal. AsĂ­ que aquĂ­ va mi anĂ©cdota o anĂ©cdotas y espero se rĂ­an tanto como yo đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜…đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚.


Sibling banter

To put it in context, in my little family we are three brothers: Marco A., me (little flower) and Eduardo L. (Yayo).

My eldest brother had the privilege of enjoying my mum and dad until he was six years old, until I came along, so the age difference is marked. My brother Yayo was close to me, so we shared more of that age and his mischief.

However, as I grew up, my liking and attachment to my brother grew because he had big friends, friends who spoiled me and I matured quickly.

On the other hand, Yayo, being the youngest, was always more cared for or, as we would say, spoilt, and he cried for everything! So that bothered us a lot, so my brother Marco and I made keys, I didn't do it to bother the little one but because I didn't like him crying so much.

Para ponerlos en contexto, en mi pequeña familia somos tres hermanos: Marco A., Yo (florecita) y Eduardo L( Yayo). Mi hermano mayor, tuvo el privilegio de disfrutar de mi mamå y mi papå hasta los seis años, hasta que llegué yo, así que la diferencia de edad es marcada. Mi hermano Yayo si llegó cerquita de mi, entonces compartíamos mås esa edad y sus travesuras. Sin embargo, a medida que fuí creciendo, mi gusto y apego por mi hermano marco fue creciendo ya que él tenía amigos grandes, amigas que me consentían y yo fui madurando råpidamente. Por su parte, Yayo por ser el menor, entonces siempre estaba mås cuidado o como diríamos consentido y ¥Por todo lloraba! Entonces eso nos molestaba muchísimo, así que mi hermano marco y yo, hacíamos llaves, yo no lo hacía para molestar al pequeño sino porque no me gustaba que llorara tanto.

Brothers and me

Now, the anecdote

So, we grew up. My older brother took care of us and took us to school; it was one of his functions as the older brother that he was.

As I was a "little more mature", I always liked him to tell me stories along the way and learn from the things we saw.

My brother Yayo, because he was younger, was a bit of a scaredy-cat, and he was always being picked on.

Anecdote one.

We were going to school and a police patrol was passing by. My brother Marco said to him:

Yayo, that's the policeman who's coming for me, don't tell my mum. I love you very much. But raise your hands when they pass by us (like this, movie style).

Yayo raised his hands and started to cry. I laughed a lot, because somehow I understood the joke my brother was making. So we arrived at school, Yayo crying because his brother would be taken to prison and Marco laughed and laughed. Of course, the scolding in the afternoon was obligatory.

Ahora sí, la anécdota Total, que si fuimos creciendo. Mi hermano mayor, nos cuidaba y nos llevaba a la escuela; era una de sus funciones como el hermano mayor que era. Como yo era un "poquito mås madura", siempre me gustaba que me contara historias en el camino y aprender de las cosas que veíamos. Mi hermano Yayo por ser mås pequeño, era como un poco miedoso, ademås que siempre marco vivía metiéndose con él.

AnĂ©cdota uno. Íbamos al colegio y venĂ­a pasando una patrulla policial. Mi hermano marco le dijo: Yayo esa es la policĂ­a que viene por mi, no le digan a mi mamĂĄ . Los quiero mucho. Pero levanta las manos cuando pasen por nuestro lado (asĂ­ estilo pelĂ­cula). Yayo levanto sus manos y comenzĂł a llorar. Yo me reĂ­a demĂĄs, porque de alguna manera entendĂ­a la broma que estaba haciendo mi hermano. AsĂ­ llegĂĄbamos al colegio, Yayo llorando porque a su hermano se lo llevarĂ­an preso y Marco risa y risa. Por supuesto que el regaño en la tarde era obligatorio.

Marco and me

Anecdote two

On one of those days when we had to go to school, a car was overheating near where we had to pass. The man in the car came with this smoke in the front and the car was making strange noises. Marco A., always witty, said to him:

Yayo, get down, that car is going to explode.

Can you guess what happened? Yayo crouched down and started to cry and said: "I'm going to explode:

Well Marco because to us and things like that.

I was older, scared of course, but my logic told me that if the man didn't run away, why should we?

You will know the outcome of this story at the end of the afternoon when you get home.

Anecdote three.

How things didn't stay at the school level. When we were at home and we were left in my brother's care, he would put things like ketchup in his mouth, on his hands and start saying he was cut or a zombie.

Yayo would fall pale and start crying all over the house and framed in the back saying he was a zombie. I was scared, but I don't think you could tell, or my brother was very careful, that he wasn't after me but after Yayo.

Even so, the scolding in the afternoon was not normal. And I say scolding because I don't remember my mum hitting us.

Anécdota dos En una de esas que teníamos que ir al colegio, un carro estaba recalentado cerca de donde teníamos que pasar. El señor del carro venía con ese humo en su parte delantera y el carro haciendo ruidos extraños. Marco A. Siempre de ocurrente le dijo: Yayo agåchate que ese carro va a explotar. ¿Ya pueden adivinar lo que pasó? Yayo se agachó y comenzó a llorar y decía: Conchale Marco porque a nosotros y cosas así. Yo que estaba mås grandecita, con miedo por supuesto pero la lógica me dijo que si el señor no salía corriendo ?por qué nosotros si? Ya sabrån el desenlace de es historia al final de la tarde al llegar a casa.

Anécdota tres. Cómo las cosas no se quedaban en el plano de la escuela. Cuando eståbamos en la casa y quedåbamos al cuidado de mi hermano, el se ponía cosas como salsa de tomate en la boca, en las manos y comenzaba a decir que estaba cortado o era un zombie. Yayo caía pålido y comenzaba a llorar por toda la casa y marco atrås diciendo que era zombie. A mí me daba miedo ¥Uff! Super miedo, pero creo que no se notaba o mi hermano me cuidaba mucho que no iba detrås de mi sino de Yayo. Igual, el regaño en la tarde no era normal. Y digo regaño porque no recuerdo que mi mamå nos pegara.

Eduardo and me


Really, my childhood was very entertaining, you didn't need a tablet or a TV to figure out anything and have a good time.

My brothers made it a lot of fun. Nowadays, I don't know if they remember those stories, but one day I'll discuss them with them to see if others come to light that I don't remember at the moment.

Thanks for the space to @lisfabian because among so many situations that we live daily, she gives us this space through her #reisesgratis to let out those anecdotes, that come to our thoughts and that we can share with all of you.

If you want to know about the rules of this contest, you can post your joke here in this [publication](

The separators are by @breili

The photos from my photo book edited in PostLab

Until the next prank friends

De verdad, mi infancia era muy entretenida, no hacĂ­a falta tablet ni tv para ingeniarse cualquier cosa y pasarla bien. Mis hermanos la hacĂ­an muy divertida. Hoy por hoy, no sĂ© si recuerden esas historias, pero algĂșn dĂ­a las comentarĂ© con ellos a ver si salen otras a relucir, que no recuerdo en este momento. Gracias por el espacio a @lisfabian porque entre tantas situaciones que vivimos diariamente, nos brinda este espacio a travĂ©s de su #reisesgratis para soltar esas anĂ©cdotas, que vienen a nuestros pensamientos y que podemos compartir con todos ustedes. Si quieres saber sobre las bases de este concurso, puedes soltar tu broma aquĂ­ en su publicaciĂłn.

Brothers and me

Los separadores son de @breilish Las fotografĂ­as de mi propiedad editada en PostLab Hasta la prĂłxima broma amigos

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