When The Comedian Becomes The Clown

I have always wanted to be a stand-up comedian, you know, the one that stands on the stage and makes jokes while other people laugh at what he is saying. Since I always make my friends laugh at what I say, I thought to myself that I should give this a try. I began looking for shows that accept comedians to perform.

I wasn't even worried about getting paid; I just wanted people to hear me out, but there was something I forgot to put into consideration.The people in my country are pure sadists, and making them laugh will take the act of God through the performance of a man, and I was ready to take up that role.

Modern-day people have modern-day problems, and making them laugh requires modern-day techniques like laughing gas. Nah, I didn't resort to that, but this is what happened.*The difference between a comedian and a clown is that a comedian makes people laugh with what they say and little of their acting, while a clown makes people laugh with his act and little of what he says. In a way, they both make people laugh.

I was home when my friend Daniel rushed to my room, telling me he had an opportunity for me to share my comedy at a huge show, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was really excited as I quickly called the event planner to register my name as one of the comedians. I did not even bother to ask for the address until a day before the event. I got the address and noticed it was the community carol event that our community had been planning for since a month ago.

It was the main day, and I was feeling reluctant to go because most of the people that would be attending would know me, and these are people I refuse to greet on the street. Making this set of people laugh would really take the act of God, but I am not ready to give up at this point. After all other performer had done their performances, it was time for me to make my comedy.

I was being introduced by the MC, but I didn't want to climb on the stage because most of the comedy I was planning to share was about what happened between me and my mom. I wouldn't let all these people laugh at what my mom did to me. I cant tell them my mom used cooking oil on her lips because her lip gloss got finished, I would be sent packing from the house.

I got on the stage, took the mic, and looked at their faces. They were staring like hungry lions while my stupid friends were cheering me on from the backseat while laughing. It was then that I knew I had been set up. I raised the mic to my mouth as I tried to move forward. My legs crossed each other, and boom, I was falling like a drop of water coming down from the cloud. I fell, and I was expecting a huge reaction, but everywhere was so silent.I stood up, and my eyes went straight to my friends, and I saw some of them rolling on the floor laughing. I stood up and decided to make fun of the things they had done without mentioning their names. I just said things like

There is this friend of mine.

And with that, I wiped the smiles on their faces. I am sure many people know my friends, so I left them with the mystery of "which of his friends could have pooped in the bush because they were far from home?"

After the whole show and celebration were over, the next day was weird and awkward in a way because any time I passed around the people that attended the show, they would greet me and give a loud laugh. Was I becoming popular and a celebrity? Little did I know that I had moved my comedian career dream into that of a clown.


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