The day I was caught and asked to read my secret diary in front of all family members.

Hello comedy lovers, It's another Friday, which means it's time for me to put a smile on your face and make you laugh. You saw the title right; I am sure you would like to know how it happened, so why don’t you sit back and read through it and laugh since it is Friday?

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I was so young and naive back then, and I was just 15 years old. Back then, my sisters were always talking about those diaries and how they had a lot of their secrets in them. Sometimes, when they were out, I would sneak into their room to search for their diary, but I never succeeded once, not even once. It was then that I decided to take it upon myself to have my own secret diary.

I wish I had the bros back then to talk some sense into me, but well, where would the fun be? I got a little jotter and started writing some of my dark secrets in it. Secrets I planned to take to heaven with me, but I was tricked by the devils (sisters) to write it down.😠

There was this lady I was crushing on back then in school. I have always liked her, and on this beautiful day, I had forgotten the joke I told her, but she laughed so hard and gave me a hug after that. My heart was beating faster than Eminem can rap. I got home, took my diary and my pen, then turned to Mr. Williams Shakespear and started writing.😁

I remember this part vividly. I wrote.

After she hugged me, I felt like a weightless leaf roaming the forest in a raging wind.

Like, bro, you have got some good lines there. After writing so many top secrets that even the FBI couldn’t get from me with hard interrogation, I lost my guard and left my diary on my table in my room. And one funny part was that, on the diary cover, I redesigned it and had "my secret dairy" written boldly on the front cover.😠😭

I got home that day, and nothing seemed wrong; we ate and everyone went to sleep. The following morning, before we prayed, my dad called me out in front of everyone and said, "You will be reading for us today." All I thought was that I would be reading the Bible. Since I was a good reader, I wasn’t scared since this is one of the methods my dad uses to check those who can read among us.

I saw him walking towards me, holding my diary in his hand, and at that moment, I know i fucked up. It was like the ground should just open and swallow me. I wanted the trumpet to sound, so I could receive my punishment from God himself, not my father and my family. He gave me the diary and opened the exact place where I wrote about my crush, then asked me to read.

It was a long morning for me. My sister couldn’t even laugh because they were too scared their secret would be revealed. My aunties were just shocked because, to them, I have been the most innocent boy they had known; their mouths were a gap as I read. Anyways, my dad did not beat me; I guess it was because I wrote about how much I loved them and how I wanted to make them proud. I could only get a slap on the palm, but the embarrassment was the main punishment. Since then, I have never written another diary; I just store it all up in my brain.

During the devotion, dad asked everyone to pray that I have some sense and they did.😢

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