Have you met a troublesome banker. Oh, yes I have.

Hi everyone, It’s Big Fash on the stage today and I would like to bring to your table, the truth about bankers. You know, while growing up my sister had always wanted to be a banker. She told her big ambitions to my anuty and my anuty encourage her saying You don’t have what it takes my dear I felt like she was trying to kill her dreamt so I asked what does it take she said
You need to have pride hidden in humility

Well I did not understand until I went to the bank to deposit $2. It was a hard earn money so it should be in the bank.

I got to the bank for the second time which is my first deposit. The first time was to open the account and since I have got no money, I have never visited the bank again but now I do have money.

I went to the lady on the front desk and said “I would like to deposit some cash” so she said Go meet the cashier I went to meet the cashier and said the same thing and she said Where is your teller

I was looking for a teller and I couldn’t find any so a nice man said Ask any of the banker but at this point things are getting weirder because it looks like I don’t know what I’m doing.

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I stood for a while watching everyone pass me without help so I screamed to get their attention. The old woman on the line even had a panic attack thinking the bank was about to be robbed. It was then a very nice man walked towards me.

He had this weird smile on his face. He asked me what was wrong but before I answered I asked him who he was and he said I am the bank manager Finally, someone of high status is her to answer me.

I began to rant.
I got to the bank and met the first banker, but she directed me to the cashier who said I don’t have a teller. I asked another banker but no answer then things got weirder until you came, the manager

The manager asked me how much I wanted to deposit, I told him the amount. It was processed for me but I’m wondering why the police are the one taking me home currently. I hope they know the way to my house.

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