Comtest: Prof. Williams , the teacher

A New decree was passed, granting the right to education for mentally ill people. The governor who was impressed by the performance of one mentally ill individual when he visited an asylum made him believe even the mad could be educated so he set up a school.

Prof. Williams, a politician visited the school after a year, surprised not to see a teacher except the administrative personnels that didn't care about the men who sat calmly staring outside the window Angrily stormed into the incharge office

Prof: "This men seem ready to learn but you've neglected them denying them their right to education" he complained

Incharge: "Today makes it exactly one year since this institute was established, we've had 363 teachers and the teacher that stayed the longest days was two days"

Prof: "bunch of lazy teachers" he cursed, and he took it upon himself to teach. Just before he entered the class he noticed all the windows sealed and he enquired to why the windows were sealed

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Incharge: "oh! The teacher who actually stayed two days long became frustrated and jumped off from the window at the top, it's unfortunate, he didn't survive it"

Prof. Williams ignored her and proceeded into the class, impressed by their calmness he started with an introduction.

Prof: "I'm prof. Williams, your politician, I'll be your teacher and I expect to have some cooperation from you. I'll like to know your weaknesses

Mad man: "I forget a thing within a second"
Impressed that the mad man could answer him accurately

Prof: "So, how long have you noticed this forgetfulness?"
Mad man: "what forgetfulness?"
Prof: "You said, you forget within a second"
Mad man: "I've not spoken here since morning"
Not to feel frustrated, he turned his gaze to a woman who had been boasting of her ability to hear with her hearing aid

Prof: "So how much is that?" He asked, trying to start a conversation

Mad woman: "3: o'clock"

Six hours later, prof. Williams was in the incharge office

Prof: "How did that man manage to survive two days?, The windows need to be permanently closed not half way sealed, I almost committed suicide"

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