Hilarious Rules I Must Obey Before I Can Play.

During my high school years, a friend would occasionally ask some of my classmates to his house to play the new soccer(winning 11), car race(crash bandicoot), mortal kombat, Xena the warrior princess he had purchased; little did I realise that it was a trap.

Few people had a Playstation 1 back then, and being invited to come and play was like being granted an all-expenses-paid trip to the Maldives.
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Even if the owner of the playstation is your adversary, you will make peace with him for the sake of playing.
Being one of the invited guests at his home was a source of pride, and you were allowed to tell others that you were invited, but no one was allowed to accompany you to the venue.

Before the planned day, I will be on my best behaviour; if he needs anything, I will provide it; and occasionally, I will assist him in carrying his school bag and books, everything to ensure that I please him and that my invitation will not be revoked.

He will stand at the entrance on the d day, and when you arrive, he will ask you some questions and inform you of his terms and conditions. You will be let inside if you agree; else, you will be returned to your home.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following are the Do's and Don'ts that must be agreed upon before you are permitted to enter the house and play:
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  1. You will assist him in cleaning the house and performing other tasks.
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  2. You'll remain calm and seated.
  3. You are not permitted to touch anything in his home in any way.
  4. When he says it's your turn, you must play.
  5. He must win.
  6. He is the one who determines when the game is over.
  7. You must obtain his permission if you require anything.
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  8. You must maintain a professional demeanour while playing.
  9. He picks the game that everyone will play.

Here are the Dont:

  1. You are not permitted to overjoy while playing.
  2. Don't be too rough with the joystick.
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  3. You must not shout when you miss a chance or score a brilliant goal.
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  4. You must not touch him or make fun of him while playing.

When he sees us at school after the weekend gaming at his place, he would exaggerate and make us look weak and inferior by announcing to everyone how he was victorious and humiliated us over the weekend. It was enjoyable back then because, no matter how tough the rules appeared to be, we all agreed to participate.



Childhood memories are some of my favourite memories; it's amazing how I lived and played freely without thinking twice; back then, all I cared about was to play and be happy; of course, as a child, I had no responsibilities; the only responsibilities I had back then were to sleep, eat, bathe, play, change my clothes, and repeat.

Thank you and have a lovely day.

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