The Homework

Weekends used to be the coolest when I was a kid with no responsibilities. When a new week begins, I immediately begin thinking about the weekend, which I look forward to because of the free time I spend with my friends. A perfect weekend for me is one with no homework.


Of course, teachers try to ruin the weekend by assigning a lot of homework, particularly quantitative reasoning, and encouraging us to show our parents and seek for their aid because it keeps us occupied, but homework is a nightmare for me.

I don't show my homework to my parents because they'll try to make sure I do it myself so they won't waste their money on my school fees. Also, doing homework with your parents is one of the longest days you'll have as a child.

When my father inquires about my homework on weekends, I tell him that the teacher did not assign any. I will occasionally tell him that it was extremely simple and that he should not be concerned.

One faithful weekend, after telling my father that I hadn't been given any homework, I had no idea that he was going to go through my school bag.

Dad; Son come here and sit with me.

Me; On reaching there i saw my school bag beside him, then my books on the table. I told myself i am finished.

Dad; Son what am i holding on my hand?

Me; My homework book Sir.

Dad; Are you sure.

Me; Yes Sir.

Dad; What did you say earlier?

Me; I fell on my knees and start to apologise, before i knew it i was crying not as a result of tears of joy but because of what is going to happen to me that day.

Dad; Today i am going to discipline you.

Me; I knew its was about to go down, in my mind i calculated that its either i get flogged, grounded for the weekend, or punished throughout the week. I don't know what to do, i have to yell my mums name so she will come and save me, because I that if she is there the punishment won't be severe.

As a child, I used to wish for a perfect weekend (one without homework), and on occasion, the teacher would almost forget to give us one, but one of us would always report to our teacher that he/she had forgotten to give us one. When this happened, I felt like crying right away and would bear malice with whoever reminded her of the homework.

Smiles 🙂, I used to think my teachers and parents were being harsh with me and attempting to keep me from having fun with my friends, but little did I realize they were working to make me a better person for my family, community, and the world.

I admire all parents, teachers, and guardians who work hard to guarantee that the children in their care are responsible members of society.

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