Best Uncle

My three-year-old nephew shouted out, "Mummy, where are you? Please come and save me from an uncle, my mouth is bitter!"

You're probably wondering what I did to have him call out to his mother. So, as a caring and compassionate medical uncle, I simply performed my job.

He refers to me as uncle spider, and my visits to their home are always mixed emotions, especially for him because of his personal experience with me. I could visit and shower him with toys, and he would be overjoyed, but my next visit could be marred by a situation like this.

One weekend, I paid a visit to my sister to spend the weekend with her. Alex, my nephew, raced up to me and greeted me with delight because his wonderful uncle spider had come to visit them.

He is not feeling well this time, and when I asked if he had taken any medication, his mother said no, that Alex had refused to take his medication, and I told her not to worry since I was here.

It's getting dark, and Alex is enjoying the toys and gifts I bought for him, as well as playing with some of them.

Me; Alex mummy said you are not feeling fine.

Alex; yes uncle, I am not sick.

Me; oh sorry about that, don't worry you will be fine, Alex I guess what, I bought your favourite juice it's in the fridge can you bring it to let me open it for you.

Alex; okay uncle.

Me; I opened his favourite juice and told him to open his mouth and he should swallow it immediately it gets to his mouth.

Alex; yes uncle.

Me; Alex opened his mouth and sipped his favorite drink, unaware that I had drank the beverage's contents and replaced them with medicine suspension for his sickness. As soon as he ingested his medicine, he looked at me and began smacking his mouth; his countenance changed instantly, and he began wailing, screaming with his mother to help him and clean the bitterness in his mouth.



I tried my hardest to contain my laughter, but it seemed to want to choke me. Since I don't want my laugh to choke me, I had no choice but to burst out laughing.

When the mother came out and inquired what had occurred, I told her what had happened, and she couldn't stop laughing after hearing what I had done.

I know I went a little too far by tricking my nephew, but sometimes we have to do minor evil for the larger good, and I believe mine was justified. When he's older, I hope he understands.

Thank you and have a lovely day.

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