Weird Goings On In Ireland This Week.

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I'm gonna get in before @ablaze and @niallon11 on this one as it is just mental stuff that went on in our neck of the woods this week. This is a true story by the way.

A local man from Carlow decided to bring his Uncle down to collect his pension at the local post office. Now some of you might think this may be a normal occurrence that a young man was bringing his elderly Uncle to the shop giving him a helping hand. The only problem was that his Uncle was dead for the last 3 days.
Brown Bread! Dead. No longer alive.

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It all started when the young man went to the post office to collect his Uncles pension on his own. The clerk told him that she was unable to give someones pension money to someone else. This put a spanner in the young mans works.
So in order to get his pension money and the next hit I imagine, the Carlow man and his junkie friend dressed up their Uncle who was decomposing, put a woolly jumper and a hat on him and dragged him to the post office.
The clerk in the post office who was quite elderly herself didn't take long to figure out that the person who was looking for the pension was indeed no longer of this earth.
The two men standing the dead man up started to realise that the game was up and ran out the door of the post office leaving the dead Uncle on the floor of the post office.
News started spreading around Carlow like wild fire and now the whole Ireland is visiting Carlow and taking their photographs outside the post office in question. Hosey's in Carlow is now trending and the meme brigade is out in force.

My question is what were they thinking?? Now just so you know , the Uncle did not die under suspicious circumstances. It just so happened that he died on the Friday and pension day wasn't until the Tuesday so the boys decided to not tell anyone until they withdrew his pension. When they were unable to withdraw on their own, needs must so they dragged him down and now their names are all over the news. You can just imagine the conversation that the two boys had before they dressed Uncle Joe up to collect his pension. And you can imagine the slagging these lads will get when they get out of whatever they are charged with. If there was ever a rock bottom to turn your life around , bringing the dead uncle to collect his pension so you can score drugs is it. What is the world coming to.


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