Baby Said Mama For The First Time

Hello everyone I hope we are all enjoying the festive season at the moment with good health. It awesome as always to share with the you the funny experience of situation that have occured which makes us happy and unites us as well.


I remember when a brother of mine first gave birth to his first child, it was really a joyous moment for him and his wife to celebrate because it is something worth celebrating. They gave birth to a handsome son and named him "Testimony".

As always babies like it when you play with them a lot especially when you sing for them, touch them or do anything funny just to make them happy. When the baby was around 6 months the dad and mum usually play with their baby by singing a funny song whose name would you call first papa or mama lol.

Whenever they sing this song the baby would just laugh and be happy. This continued till the seventh month when both parents were singing the song whose name would you call first papa and mama and to their greatest surprise the baby scream mama that got everyone surprised.

The mum was happy and said it is really a testimony mentioning mama for the first time lol and when they try to make the baby say papa he would mention mama lol and since then the dad will jokingly say anything you want to come to me just go and meet mama since you can't call me lol.

However, I think it is more easier for babies to say mama than papa and as we know they both have close bonds together that can make that happen without a second thought. Maybe I would just try and be singing only papa to my baby if have giving birth to know if am wrong lol.

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