Moana Needs To Come.


Anyone who tells you life isn't a movie. Tell the person to come to Hive. It'll make things better and clearer. When the zealy September campaign ended, I didn't have it in mind to join in October.

I was like, "No!", not me. But, then October came and... and... Well, I think I may have joined in. At first, it was hard getting an invite, and I almost gave up until I got my invite accepted. It was right then that the journey started.

Just like the movie Moana, I was Te Fitti. I slept better, ate well, and was more relaxed, but all of a sudden, I turned into a monster. Sleep became my sworn enemy and staying awake became my new form of bestie. It was unbelievable!

It was right then that I knew I had become the person I dreaded. Just like how Te Fitti's relic was stolen by Maui, so was mine. It wasn't funny then, not funny now and I don't think it'll ever be funny. But, being the kind of person I am, well, I can't help seeing the fun part of things.

Maybe it's because I am more than a normal sane person, you know. Maybe, that's that. But to tell the truth, I think I have become a zombie!

I didn't know how it happened, but it is the truth. So if I pass you by without saying "Hello", you should know the zombie rule of why I did that. Wait, don't tell me you don't! Phew, it's simply because you don't have a brain I can eat!


Let's leave that and get to why I need Moana. So, it happened that for the last few weeks, I have been angry for no reason, which is very unlike me. I get irritated with unnecessary talks that I love and lots more! This made me turn Te kā! Who we all know was once Te Fitti. Now, tell me, what are the odds? Why isn't Moana coming to save me from this phase that I have found myself in? Zealy has done me well with sleepless nights and unexplainable mood, which I know is mainly because I haven't had a good sleep.

So, if your name starts with the letter M or as an additional letter O to it, you need to come right now before I turn Hive upside-down. And, if it's money you need to come, you don't have to worry. The #Comedyopenmic Mod and owner has a lot to give out that I can assure you. And if they don't, you can ask from the first 2 to 3 people that comment on this post, which likely will be #Pixresteemer #luv or #beer, then maybe #hivebuzz or #lol

Well, you have options to choose from dearest Moana, so come now and save me just like how Clark Kent saved Smallville and the world in American movies.

Ps:If you don't find this fun enough, try reading again and again, I am sure your sense of humor will find you soon.

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Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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