Brakeless Rider and the Deaf Woman

Back in the days when I normally cycled without brakes. I know you'll be wondering how I stopped it most of the time when I'm moving and need to brake. Well, braking is not my problem while cycling, I have more courage while riding because I depended on my fast movements and strong legs to stop.


Usually I make a noise "no brakes, no brakes!!" So anyone who comes from far away or backside me will quickly leave the road in front of me while hearing No break. In fact, it sometimes happens that my friend at school calls me 'not a brakless rider'.

One beautiful morning I was sent to the market with my bicycle. I saw from far away a woman carrying something I'm not sure what she was carried on her head. All I can think to do is scream so she can hear me.' I am passing on a message about my braking problems. So I started shouting as usual: no break and I think this woman hears me well, otherwise she is deaf, but just that time she looked back and all my thoughts is that she already saw me from the 25

The moment I got closer, I noticed that this woman is very stubborn, she doesn't want to leave the road for me, I immediately started using my legs to stop it in a normal way. Unfortunately my bike betrayed me and couldn't stop rolling. I tried my best to use my legs, but my leg swung until I hit the woman.

The moment I bumped into the woman, I realized that what she was carrying on her head were eggs. The eggs flew into the air like jugglers' balls and everything that was scattered broke onto the ground.

The funniest thing is that the woman I shouted at to get off the road is deaf, she doesn't hear me. That day i really enter a big problem because there is no how to explain to her i was shouting from far to leave the road. Her move that day was pure madness, honestly i don't pray to jam people like this for my life I was speechless and start begging her because I don't even know what to do again. She let me go until my mother was there to save the day for me.

Thanks For Reading
Best regard @adeyemi12

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