RE: ANY OTHER CLIMBERS OUT THERE???!!!? #newcommunity

Hi there! I'm actually a fellow Capetonian! My father is Tony Dick, who was quite a world class climber and mountaineer in his day, and then made friends with the next generation including Andy de Klerk, Ed February and Charles Edelstein (who actually has a share in the City Rock Business!) My dad has just turned 75 recently and has to stick to scrambly hikes and a bit of skiing now...

As for me, I still have a hardness, rope and other gear somewhere, but I have a slight fear of heights and never pushed it beyond about grades 20-22. I tend to surf more but was getting a bit into bodyweight exercises and it would be interesting to see if I can still boulder and climb a little as a result.

Your son sounds like he is doing very well for such a short time in the sport! Have you tried climbing outdoors at all? At the very least I could help suggest where to go for that!

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