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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 26/2/2021 are:
Autor: @gpwar
Blogging Challenge [ESP-ENG] Part 3 Día 08 - ¿Cual es la situación actual de tu vida? | What is your current life situation?

Que tal amigos! Dia 08. Y la pregunta es... ¿Cual es la situación actual de tu vida?

Hello friends! Day 08. And the question is... What is your current life situation?

Me encuentro en un punto de mi vida en el ya he pasado por distintas experiencias, me he llevado distintos chascos de los cuales he aprendido cosas valiosas, las cuales estoy usando para construir algo solido en mi vida.

Autor: @labeba1969

Blogging Challenge Día 27, Parte 1 , Un Momento difícil de mi vida// A difficult moment in my life by @labeba1969


Muchos saludos a todos los amigos de @Blogging @Challenge es grandioso continuar con el día 27 de la primera parte,donde les voy hablar de "Un momento difícil de mi vida".

La vida es hermosa,los momentos felices y de alegría son los mas grandes que podemos vivir y nos llenan de satisfacción;sin embargo también pasamos por momentos difíciles los cuales aunque queramos, nunca se olvidan,uno de los momentos mas difícil de mi vida fue enfrentar la

Autor: @geritacs94


Hola amigos de #hive en esta oportunidad voy a participar en el #bloggingchallenge en esta oportunidad nos preguntan ¿A qué le tienes miedo?

Hi #hive friends this time I'm going to participate in the #bloggingchallenge this time we are asked What are you afraid of?

Yo soy una persona que he aprendido a controlar los miedo ya que todos hemos sufrido de eso alguna vez, quien diga que no le teme a nada para mí está mintiendo.

Autor: @justclickindiva

If Do Overs Were Allowed, Then | Day 22 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 2 | [ENG/SPAN]

Day 22 of the 30-day Blogging Challenge (Part 2).

Start over button. What would you do with it?

Today's topic every individual I know has expressed an interest in doing. To want to start over at some point in your life is natural I believe.

Autor: @lanzjoseg

Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day . 21- Go out with someone. / Salir con alguien. [ENG-ESP]

Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 21

What advice would you give to somebody who just started dating?

Wow, I'm not very good at giving advice of that kind, however I can suggest some or rather one or two tips so you don't lose the war, metaphorically speaking.

Autor: @bettyleo

Desafío blog 30 días. 3ra. Parte. Día # 15. ¿Si tienes seguridad financiera? ¿Cómo lo hice?. -- 30 day blog challenge. Part 3. Day # 15. If you are financially secure, how did I do it?.


Hola a todos,espero que se encuentren bien en este maravilloso día o noche en esta ocasión continua mi participación en este interesante blogging challenge donde corresponde el día #15 que se refiere a:


Hello everyone, I hope you are well in this wonderful day or night on this occasion continues my participation in this interesting blogging challenge where corresponds to day # 15 which refers to:

¿Si tengo seguridad financiera?.

Autor: @officialuroga

[ESP-ENG] A Book That Inspires You / Un libro que te inspira

Good day everyone, it has been a wonderful day today for me, no doubt really tasking but it was a wonderful day regardless. Today is the 25th day of my 30 Days Blogging Challenge and the theme for today's challenge is, A Book That Inspires You.

Autor: @hive-world

Blogging Challenge Day #9: Best Trip Of My Life

Hello hivans, I hope you are doing great? Today Blogging Challenge is incredible. I want to say thank you to moderators of this @bloggingchallenge, it was indeed a challenge.
I will like to write an article about my best trip is traveling to presidential villa to visit my uncle.
Autor: @mccoy02

#bloggingchallenge Ideal place to live part 2 days 16

Hi there, welcome to my daily #bloggingchallenge today's question is an interesting one and I'm glad to the team for their much effort to keep hivers engaged with daily tasks.

The ideal place to live can depend on individual tests and choice of living standard while some would love to live an exorbitant life of luxury others would prefer to live a very simple one.

Autor: @medicenbecky

[ENG/ESP] #Bloggingchallenge PART 1 // Day 1 Explain your blog's name// Explica el nombre de tu blog.

Hello beautiful people from Hive, it is a pleasure to be with you again, I was encouraged to participate in the first part of the #bloggingchallenge and this is my day one.

Hola gente linda de Hive, es un placer estar nuevamente con ustedes, me animé a participar en la primera parte blogging challenge y este es mi día uno

Explain Your Blog's Name

Empezaré diciendo que mi nombre real es totalmente diferente

Autor: @eimy7

Blogging Challenge parte 3 día 14: Mi música del día.

¿Cuál es tu música de día a día? Comparte los artistas.

Hola queridos hiver@s.

La situación actual en Venezuela, algunas veces intenta robarnos la paz interior, por eso que oír la música de nuestro agrado nos hace más llevadera cada situación del, día a día.

Autor: @ismarysanton16

Blogging Challenge (Parte4): Day/Day #29 [ESP / ENG] What are some of the dumbest lyrics you’ve heard in a song? - ¿Cuáles son algunas de las letras más tontas que has escuchado en una canción?

Una vez más les doy la más cordial bienvenida a mi blog y en esta oportunidad con la iniciativa de la cuarta parte del #bloggingchallenge por @tripode, ya que me parece una experiencia bastante dinámica y divertida compartir un poco más de mí con ustedes a través de este reto.

Autor: @micoltatiana

challenge: 7 días de amor propio 💖 día 2// 7 days of self- love 💖🌈 day 2

Hello everyone! Today I continue with the challenge of 7 days of self-love 💖 I was delayed a few days because I was giving finals but I am a little calmer 😁😁

Hola a todos! Hoy sigo con el challenge de 7 días de amor propio 💖 me retrasé unos días porque estaba rindiendo finales pero ya estoy un poco más tranquila 😁😁

Today the slogan is prepare a breakfast to myself and enjoy my self-appointment.

Autor: @yetsimar

Blogging Challenge Day 11: Your favorite childhood book/ tu libro favorito de la infancia [ENG/ESP]

En mi casa contamos con una pequeña colección de libros de las series animadas de Disney y alguna película, como lo son los patitos Hugo, Paco y Luis y sus aventuras con su tío Rico Mc. Pato y el Pato Donald y también Minnie y Mikey en una Aventura de detectives.
Autor: @bea23

[ESP-ENG] #BloggingChallenge Part 1 // Day 5 - Your proudest moment // Momento de mayor orgullo

Hola amores continuo con mi primera parte del #BloggingChallenge que he de confesarles que cada día se vuelve mas interesante, en esta oportunidad me toca hablarles del momento donde mas orgullosa me he sentido, yo soy una chica que celebra sus grandes y pequeños triunfos pues siento que es una manera de retribuir mi esfuerzo dedicada y me llena de ganas de seguir luchando.

Autor: @tsunsica

ENERGY REFILL ENTRY - Round 14 "There is enough light in the world to make everyone shine" [ENG-ESP]

Round number 14 of the Energy Refill Contest, initiative from the Blogging Challenge community, you can see all the information in the next post:


Ronda número 14 del Energy Refill Contest, iniciativa dentro de la comunidad Blogging Challenge, pueden conocer toda la información en el siguiente post:


The night falls
and she invincible
turns into stars

Playing with Haiku, but in Spanish, this one is just trying to catch the feeling, to be fair,

Autor: @tripode

Day 26 - Overheard [ENG-ESP]

Blogging Challenge - Part 04 - Day 26

What´s the craziest conversation you´ve overheard?

The first one that comes to mind is one I heard a few years ago in my office.

But first I have to put you in context, I work in an architectural office, where projects are designed and built.

Autor: @botefarm

22/30 Days Blogging Challenge Pt 02 Ep 22 :- Start Over Button, What Would You Do With It ?

To ever start up again in life, anew and afresh is something some people wished for. A wish to buy bitcoin when it was just a dollar, a wish to avert some mistakes made some years ago. Ranging from given birth to a fatherless child to going for an expenditure that nearly took your life.

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Special thanks to:

  • Our curators: @elizabeths14, @jizzyjoe @rafabvr @rollinshive @espandor that we gladly call Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!
  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.
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