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Let's cycle to an Austrian lake and Watch the Alpine Marmots | Spullersee | Austro

A blue lake surrounded by tall, green mountains with perfectly imperfect peaks, covered with hiking trails and the home to Marmots, a mountain animal. The road to reach this little paradise will take you along gentle streams and through a herd of cows, which are just wandering over the road. This paradise can be found right here in Austria.

Let's cycle to an Austrian Lake and Watch the Alpine Marmots



Last Summer's visit to Austria, I decided to take my bike out to the mountains to shoot some Marmots with my camera and just enjoy the mountain views in the meantime. Austria is a country with so much to offer and spend weeks in one small village without the feeling you can get to see all the beauty around. I personally feel like there aren't many places as exciting to travel as Austria. I could spend months here without getting bored!

I travel with a foldable bike in my camper. I take it out, fold it out and turn it on since it is even electric and then I'm ready to go. The roads here at the mountain aren't that steep, and the bike goes up without much effort or any other problem, except a few comments of people about my funny bike (which is actually also not a problem. It is just a weird bike with tiny wheels)


Me & my bike

The scenery on the way to the lake near Lech is extremely beautiful. Little River streams, the smell of the pine trees, cows just wandering on the road, mountains and probably much more. The more attention you pay, the more beautiful you will encounter. It is so peaceful like the places in the movies. There are people hiking and cycling here but it is just a handful of people and definitely not an over-tourist, crowded place. It is just perfect as it is.

*Some stunning mountains near the lake. People always talk about the amazing mountains of Switzerland, but Austria is its cheaper brother but definitely even the slightest bit less nice. I highly recommend Austria's mountains!




After arriving at the lake, I parked my bike and went on the hunt for some Marmots to capture with my camera. These marmots I captured were living just a few minutes away from the lake.

The mountain lake. As it wasn't that warm at all, I did not swim. Now that I have left Austria, I am actually dying to swim in such a cold, Austrian lake. Next time I should go for a swim, non matter what Unless it is already winter

After arriving at the field of the marmots, it didn't take long before I saw the first Marmot. A very fat one!

A very big fat Marmot. I guess they are preparing themselves for winter. This one is the fattest I have seen




They are a bit scared for people but I still managed to come pretty close, although I wish I had a good zoom lens to get them closer. It was beautiful to see them roaming around. Some looked kinda cute, somewhere big and fat and some screamed very loud (they all do sometimes, I believe when they wanna warn each other for danger)



*The home of the Marmots*

I felt like taking out the camera is such a nice activity. Walking is nice in the mountains but capturing moments makes me more Alert for the small things around, and it can keep me busy all day. Add the cycling to it and it takes me quite a lot of hours out of the room without getting too tired (thanks electric bike).

*A little stream along the road to the Lake, This little stream is pretty much the start of the Lech River




A tiny horse along the way




Thank you for reading my little story about Austria and its nature, mountains and wildlife. I hope I could give you a full impression about one of the most beautiful countries of Europe! Would you like to visit Austria or are you more of a beach/city person?
