Visiting - The South of Portugal / Algarve šŸŒž


Just a few weeks back in May, I went on an amazing holiday to the South of Portugal.

The Algarve

A destination popular for Irish aswell as British tourists.

Albufeira being the main location for holiday makers as it would be the biggest,
but we stayed in -
Praia Da Rocha
Which is nice & close to the beach ā›±ļø

I've always tended to go on a lot of short city holidays, as I have always preferred the fast pace city breaks...
Cities tend to have a lot more to do, but after this holiday I think I now rather the easy relaxing holiday, which is what a holiday is supposed to be, right?
An actual break away from work?! šŸ˜‚

(I work 12hours shifts in my job -
so I need more holidays) ā˜€ļø

^ I wish I had a selfie stick šŸ¤³ -
the drop here was insane.
Literally, if you were walking and weren't paying attention, you'd easily fall down! Hence my shaky leg trying to get a picture.

^ I can't begin to tell you how Dinosaur šŸ¦–
like these animals are.
For a lot of you that may not know, these birds are called Storks. šŸ•Šļø
They build these huge nests on heights & in places such as ledges, tops of trees, anywhere they can pitch a nest they will do it!

This here everyone, is a Pirate ship āš“
Unfortunately I couldn't book it as they only seem to have the 1 tourist ship & it was literally booked up for the whole summer.
We did ride past it on our little dingy boat ā›µ
It seemed like a lot of fun because as we passed they were playing the main theme from - Pirates of the Caribbean
and they also made sure they roared and aaaarrrrrghhhh'd at us too as we passed on our minituare boat...
šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ¦œ

^ Benagil Caves, the most popular attraction in the whole Algarve. šŸŒ„
This one being the most visited & also the biggest!

A very large Pineapple ... ? šŸ

My favorite part of the whole holiday was -
Scrolling through #GetYourGuide
We came across a Algarve Safari
Where we got to ride in one of my favorite jeeps!
A 1998/99 Pajero šŸš˜ a tank on wheels!
He had another model which was bigger, but he took this guy because it was just the 2 of us.

^ Up on top of a site with an old windmill.
Amazing how back in the day, farmers relied on horse & carts to make their way up & around these hills. šŸ“

^ I love the old interior and the comfiness of the seats. Seats in cars today are too hard & nowhere near as comfy as they were back in the day...
I wonder why? I'm gonna guess it's maybe a health & safety risk in the case of a car crash possibly or not having enough back support for long journey driving. šŸš—
(Job dependant, couriors etc...)

^ Driving here almost felt like we were in the depths of Africa with the tall grass and the resting river... šŸ¦

Thank you.


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