Visiting - The ancient city of Pompeii🌋

Hey everyone 👋

Today I want to make a post on something I had done previously which had sat on my
Bucket List ever since I was a young kid...

During school times, I'm sure a lot of us will have heard of the City of Pompeii. ⚖️ 🇮🇹

The city which was destroyed by a ravishing volcano and wiped out thousands of people in a single day.

This is Mt. Vesuvius ^ from where I was staying, look at that absolute killer!!! 🌋

Not only did I visit Pompeii, but I also walked/climbed right to the top of Mount Vesuvius,
the volcano that caused this absolute catastrophe & looked right into the depths.

Now, this post could actually go on for DAYS, but like most of my posts I will try to keep it light & focus more so on pictures which I'd taken whilst I was there... 👍

Here is me using the many "cross walks" throughout the whole city. From the narrow streets, I'm going to guess they had certain rules in place as in people on the right walk one way & people on the left walk the other.

Also, it may have been used to keep yourself dry from the filth & rainwater that may have filled the streets as they would not have had the plumbing system we have today... #derp obviously who'd have guessed?

This is literally a "take away" OR "take out" as others may call it & YES, they existed back then! 🍕 AMAZING.

Original paint on the walls ^ 🎨🖌️

Original Art. I can't quite remember what this place was exactly but I'm going to presume from the flooring alone it was only a place used by people of a high standing. 👑

Original items & pottery all found amongst the rubble at Pompeii. A huge portion of the orignal items have been stolen by illegal art dealers & still work their way amongst the underground markets of today... 🍯⚒️⚖️

A storefront that still holds original drawings above it's door + Our fearless tour guide, a true Naplese lady. 🧎‍♀️🖼️

Yes, take a closer look... You guessed it, a "phallic symbol" which represents the "Red Light District"...
Most of you may know, but prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world. This one being on the seedier side, but up towards the higher buildings they had baths which would have housed the "cleaner" and "higher standard" workers, per say... 👍

I have more photos, but I'm new to #HIVE & this platform so I'm unsure what's allowed and not so I will leave them out...

A picture I'd take just outside of their colosseum.
This is the pathway hundreds of spectators would have taken enroute to watch the days events... ⚔️🛡️

Just one of the many Amphitheater sites dotted throughout 🏟️

Please be aware of the next images...

Waves of ash & volcanic rock rained down on the city, burying the buildings and streets aswell as the people in a thick layer of volcanic debris that solidified and literally turned them to stone.
Most of the people they believe may have been old or ill or children, people who may have been unable to flee...

Now, the next pictures are taken from
Mount Vesuvius, but first a few images taken along the hike to the summit.

It is almost impossible to explain the feeling I had once I'd reached the summit, it's a feeling that will last with me forever.

The feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of
"I Exist" was overwhelming, and looking at the other people around I felt like they probably felt the same.

People hugging & smiling, taking forever pictures...

It was great. 🙂

If you ever get the chance to visit, go for it.
Life is worth living, don't wait until it's too late.

Thank you.

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