Ephesus Ancient City. - Journey to Ancient History.

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Ephesus Ancient City Founding Legend

Hello to all who love to travel,

Androklos is the son of Cordos, the king of Athens. The brave and curious son of the king wants to explore the opposite side of the Aegean Sea. He tells this thought to the priests. The oracles tell Androklos that they will build a city where the fish and the pig point.

But Androklos cannot understand what they mean. As they sail through the Aegean Sea, they light a fire to warm themselves and cook the fish they catch from the sea. After cooking the fish, a wild boar suddenly emerges from the bushes behind Androklos and takes the fish. Androklos remembers what the soothsayers said at this time. Upon these events, they decide to establish the city here. This is how this legendary Ephesus Ancient City, which we will see together in our article, was established.

Travel Guide and 3D Map

Before we start our trip, I will give you a short information to make the trip more meaningful.

Ephesus Ancient City is located in İzmir/Selçuk district of Turkey. Its foundation dates back to 6000 BC. The city here has been very well preserved for centuries. However, it has received significant damage against many earthquakes and natural events. It was listed by UNESCO in 1994 and certified as a World Heritage Site in 2015.

Ephesus ancient city mini map - W3W Address - Google Maps

It is always better to look from above to get to know a great Ancient City. They made a mini map of the Ancient City of Ephesus for us. I have added numbers on it for your better understanding. In this way, we will make our trip more planned and on the route.

1- Ancient City Entrance and Necropolises.
2- Harbor Street
3- Grand Theater
4- Trade Agora
5- Celsus Library
6- Marble Street
6a. Trajan's fountain
7- Assembly building -Senate- Odeon

1- Ancient City Entrance and Necropolises.

After entering the ancient city, we first encounter many sarcophagi. Sarcophagi are rectangular structures made of marble, stone or wood in which the body is placed. They were experts in making sarcophagi during the Roman period. That's why we see different kinds of sarcophagi.


Sarcophagi are found in bulk and are found around the main gates of cities. In ancient times, great importance was attached to tombs and monuments. In addition, these cemeteries we see are called Necropolis, which means the city of the dead.

2- Harbor Street

We continue from the main entrance of the city. There is a long street before us. Since it was repaired by Emperor Arkadianus, the street got its name from here. At the same time, it is a long street 11 meters wide and 350 meters long. A sewer line extending to the port passes under the street.

There are marble pillars on both sides of the street, but they are damaged. Continuing upwards on the street, we come across the Great Theater. The lower part of the street goes towards the sea. You can see the street completely on the mini map I shared above.

3- Grand Theater

We go up the marble road on Harbor Street. There is a huge theater in front of us. It definitely gets its name from its size. Because this theater has a capacity of 25000 people. This place has 3 floors and 65 rows. The fact that the theater was large shows us how much importance that period gave to art. In this city, which developed in many areas, gladiator fights were also exhibited.

Grand Theater

While walking around the theater, meticulous work was still going on inside. Because these structures are very important to us. Many tourists who come here learn and see our history.

4- Trade Agora

This place, which is the most important commercial and cultural center of the city, is located next to the Celsus library. Earthquakes have caused great damage here.

Trade Agora

In addition, since these structures are old, the artifacts have deteriorated. Here, marble columns found at different times are tried to be brought together by means of programs in computers. But this work is very difficult and takes a long time. In the photo you can see marble columns of different shapes.

5- Celsus Library

The name of this place, which was established in a small and narrow area, is the library of Celsus. It was built by his son for his father after the death of the governor of Ephesus in 135 AD. For this reason, the library was also used as a tomb. We can say that it is one of the most beautiful works of the Roman period.

Celsus Library

The library looks like a 2-storey building, but it is a single-storey building with a height of 15 meters. Scientists and thinkers of the period grew up from this library.

Facade Arrangement, Antique building technique, Static construction diagrams and other informative signs have been shared with us on the wall of this library. We see that structures that can be made difficult even with current technology were easily made thanks to scientists at that time.

6- Marble Street

Across the library, we see the marble street that leads up the mountain. The name of this street is marble street. It has a long and steep slope. You also have the opportunity to see many statues and historical artifacts on the streets.

Marble Street

6a. Trajan Fountain

We take a break here to rest after a long walk. This place, which we encounter on the marble street, is the fountain of Trajan. It was built as 2 floors. This place has undergone major changes as it has been damaged by earthquakes. There is a statue of Emperor Trajan where the water flows. But there is no water flowing here now. In fact, washing our face with cold water while traveling in this heat could refresh us. I hope there will be water in this fountain next time I come.

Trajan Fountain

7- Assembly building -Senate- Odeon

Assembly building -Senate- Odeon

After reaching the end of the marble road, we come across a flat land. They built a small theater and a parliament building on this land. It was built in 150 AD. It consists of 3 main parts. It has been covered, but this place has been demolished. It was used for music concerts or official meetings.
Also, this is the last stop of our Ephesus Ancient City tour.

I always love to see new places and learn new information in my life. That's why I wanted to tell you all I know about this place in my article. I hope my Travel blog has been instructive and enjoyable for you. Thanks for reading my post. See you on my next travel blog.

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