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What a foggy day...I MIST it

What a foggy day it is! You MIST it? I did. I actually love these days, that make surroundings more mysterious and get yourself connected. Getting rid of the wide view and distractions. Waking up with blurry windows in the van, full of condensation. Opening the sliding door and jumping into the wet muddy ground. Difficult to drive away, taking it slow. Picking up a good friend and exploring new mysteries. Is today a grey gloomy day? Definitely NOT. We found an interesting little hike along the Cascatas do Rio Ocreza in Portugal.

This trail is a less known one in the the Castelo Branco province. It is actually part of the challenging route Gardunha Trail (PR1 CB). Although we seem to have 'mist' this 17km challenge. The short version of around 5km is full of clear natural pools, little waterfalls, ruins, old watermills and rock formations. When you look in Google Maps, you won't find this trail. Even while we were there, it was hard to find. Vin Diesel was almost out of diesel, so we are taking it slow today. You start in the little village called Louriçal do Campo. There is no real parking spot for hikers, so we parked Vin Diesel in front of the little church. First we used our intuition to find the route by listening to the water, we found the first pools and waterfalls pretty quick. On route we picked some fresh tangerines. We ended up in the bushes at some point and my friend didn't really trust my intentions of today... So I stopped crawling through fallen eucalyptus trees and slippery green rocks. I can understand that a mysterious character does not always give the other person enough confidence in a misty remote environment :)

The red & yellow trail marks seem to be painted by someone that was a bit tipsy that day (or maybe that person also had a blurry view). The marks did not always make sense, There were also some plasticized prints that actually tried to send you in the right direction. At some point the prints send us in the direction of someones gate, but the red yellow marked cross means not to take this direction. The place looked a bit creepy, so I turned around and tried to understand the tipsy painter of the marks. I managed to understand the vague trail. A short trail got more and more interesting. Green surroundings, fresh air, sounds of streaming rivers and waterfalls, long talks and actually get connected to my inner emotions again. The trail was blocked by fallen trees and I realized that my inner feelings were also blocked.

We crossed forest, little farms and at some point we entered a so called 'quinta'. The trail marks led us to someone's stairs. A chained dog was chilling there in the shed. Getting closer didn't change his attitude. But... All of a sudden he turned into a mad dog. He kept dancing in the air and showing his teeth. The metal chain was not the strongest one. But who cares which direction we choose...if the chain breaks, he will chase us anyway. I walked on and took the stairs down, whistling together with the birds and ignore the loud barking. No doggystyle today, let's continue with foggystyle.

What followed was a beautiful part of the trail. At least, if you like ruins and the color green. I was imagining how it would be like to live here. A big challenge the get materials down here. The old watermills were collapsed. The trees RUINed it. Crossing the river Ocreza had to be done by using some wooden little bridges. This was probably the most 'dangerous' part of the trail. No matter what kind of shoes, the bridge was extremely slippery and also crooked. Taking off the shoes and walk on water? No, on sheep woolen know, we are getting older and actually wear these things. The most interesting parts are called 'Poço Verde do Ocreza' and 'Poço do Inferno'. Don't expect huge impressive waterfalls. Some parts are actually made of concrete.

All this talking, hiking, drinking, getting lost, picking fruits, listening to the creates that annoying feeling...I NEED TO PEEEEE! I have this strange habit of taking a piss at special places, especially the ones with a good view. So, I climbed the dam and opened the zipper. And we know, when the drop's a huge relief. It would be nice when stress could disappear that easy, by just letting your pants drop.

My friend said we would probably and at the creepy property's gate, where we turned earlier this day. I had to admit, she was right. She wanted to stop here for a snack. I am not so sure, what kind of snack... I was looking around this spot after eating my Dutch syrup waffles. I saw a huge injection needle between the bushes. Together with the dirty old mattress and a huge cage, my freaky fantasy went nuts. I've been watching too many horror movies. After telling my crazy thoughts to my friend, she would probably not do another hike with me anymore 😂

Today ended pretty juicy. Not because of my friend, but because of her oranges. When we wanted to leave this remote hidden little area, the locals surrounded us...a herd of sheep. Maybe because of my socks? BEEEHHHHH 🐏🐑