Jamali Kamali mosque and tomb

Hello friends , Today we will visit a very old and famous mosque of India. We went here in November 2015.But I did not come to Hive at that time, so I thought I should share my old memories with you.

Jamali Kamali Masjid is an archaeological site located next to Qutub Minar in Delhi.Which you would have hardly ever seen before.This is the main center of the Mughal period.But at present, due to the high pollution in Delhi, its brightness has decreased.
Sometimes this place is also linked to the ghostly stories of Jinn.

The mosque is on the verge of being a ruin from inside.It remains completely silent here.Not many tourists come here because everyone is scared of ghosts.The stories that have been spread here.But it is still very good from inside.Due to being next to Qutub Minar, it is also taken care of.

The view from outside is also very nice, very calm And the garden here is very green.If you want to come here, you can take a taxi directly from Delhi airport. Or you can also come here by metro.

If you pay attention, you will see different Akirtis( symbols) made here.And you will also find the structure of the gate to be theirs.

See how much Ananda(enjoying ) the tourists are taking while sitting here.

This is the wonderful view of Qutub Minar from here.that looks straight ahead .By the way, the tourists coming to Qutub Minar rarely come here.The reason for this is one of the haunted story and secondly there are no people here.@pinmapple

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