Swimming with Australian sea lions

I would like to share a video I put together from an unforgettable day in South Australia.

We were staying in Port Lincoln and booked a tour that will take us out to Blythe Island to snorkel with wild sealions.

These guys are like the puppies of the sea they are so cute and friendly.

The water was freezing but we had wetsuits on so it didn't take long to get used to the cold. But when I jumped into the water it sure did take my breath away haha.

It was so much fun swimming along side these wild seals. Diving down and flipping around it was the best!!

If you ever find yourself in Port Lincoln south Australia I highly recommend you go swimming with the sea lions! You will not be disappointed!

I filmed this on my YI action camera. I hope you enjoy the video and the song I used was from my mate Brendan Prince he makes some super relaxing music with a hand pan and flute.

Check out his YouTube page right here
Happy travels and I'll seal you later

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