Thracian sanctuary Begliktash - the Bulgarian Stonehenge

Hello to all travel lovers in pinmapple community ๐Ÿ˜

At the end of August 2021 with a group of friends we were on a sea vacation in the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Primorsko.We had a great and funny vacation, filled with many emotions and unforgettable memories.One of our most exciting experiences at the end of this holiday was visiting the Thracian sanctuary of Begliktash.

Begliktash is located just a few kilometers from the hotel in Primorsko where we are staying.In order to go to the sanctuary most easily, I recommend that you use navigation that will take you there without a problem there.There are some signposts along the way that will also help you find your way.After a few minutes of traveling by car on the main road, you have to turn off from it and go along a narrow asphalt road through the meadow, at the end of which there is a barrier.There the asphalt ends and you have to continue on a black forest road for about another kilometer.Although the barrier was lifted, we decided to leave our cars here and continue on foot through the forest.

We soon reached a new checkpoint with a barrier where we had to buy tickets and pay an entrance fee.Even here it is easy to reach by car, because the road through the forest is wide , clean and easily passable.However, I recommend a walk on foot through the forest where it is very picturesque and nice and cool.The entrance fee you have to pay is symbolic.For adults - 2 BGN , for children and pensioners only1BGN. Car parking is free and there is no charge for staying.

In the immediate vicinity of the point there is also a large sign with a map of Begliktash.This is a general plan of the location of all the stone blocks in the area, where they are numbered, their names are written and the corresponding function they perform in the sanctuary.This plan will, to some extent, help you navigate your surroundings.

After paying the entrance fee, we head to the entrance of the sanctuary.We cross a big flat meadow, in the middle of which there is a gazebo for relaxation under the shade of a huge tree.There you can stop for a short break, eat or smoke a cigarette.

We are already at the entrance to Begliktash.

From here begins our actual tour of the sanctuary.

The place is extremely majestic, magnetic and impressive.Imagine a huge complex of multi-ton rock blocks and stones of various shapes and sizes, which are arranged in some mysterious and mysterious way on a huge rock area, in the middle of a dense forest between them and a huge bare meadow that surrounds them.

One feels so small and insignificant among these huge rock phenomens. You are can literally left breathless by this mystical majesty that surrounds you from all sides.

Believe me my friends, words are not enough, and whatever I write to you will not be enough for you to understand how it feels and how strong the energy of this place really is.

The very name of the Begliktash sanctuary has Turkish roots.It is a combination of the Turkish words beglik and tash, which in translation mean tax and stone.It is supposed to have been a place where people paid their taxes in a different form There are also theories that Bekliktash it played the role of a sundial as well as a rock calendar.

We try to follow as much as possible the route from the general plan that we saw to the ticket punct.In front of each rock block there is also a sign with its number and name written on it.

The names of the various stones are as weird whimsical and mysterious as the stones themselves.

An interesting eco-path also starts from Bekliktas which leads to the seashore and the picturesque St. Paraskeva bay.Unfortunately, the path is quite steep and not so easily passable, and in our group we have a family with a small child and a baby carriage

For this reason we have to end our tour here and go back๐Ÿ˜’

However, we are all extremely happy and satisfied with what we were able to see today๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„I hope you also liked it and found it interesting๐Ÿค”

I wish everyone a pleasant and peaceful evening, friends! Be healthy!

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